Award Winning Health Journalism

I Can’t Tolerate CPAP, What Can I Do?

CPAP and Sleep, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, is the most common treatment prescribed for obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP involves wearing a mask that fits into the nostrils, underneath or over the nose, or over the nose and mouth, through which pressurized air is delivered via tubing from a machine to keep the upper airway open during […]

Treating Mild Sleep Apnea: Should You Consider a CPAP Device?

mild obstructive sleep apnea, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a disorder characterized by repeated episodes of partial or total upper airway obstruction that result in arousals from sleep and changes in oxygen levels during sleep. OSA is one of the most common conditions I see as a sleep medicine specialist. This is not surprising, considering that OSA is estimated […]

Home Sweet Sleep

Home Sweet Sleep, Home Apnea App

Our overall health and well-being rely on sleep. Yet, for many people, sleep apnea not only prevents a good night’s sleep but also contributes to a range of serious health issues. If left undetected, the condition can put people at risk for everything from stroke to heart attacks.  To diagnose sleep apnea, people traditionally need to undergo […]

Tips for Getting Sleep in the Hospital

Sleep in the Hospital, Chicago Health Magazine Online

If you or any of your loved ones has ever been hospitalized, one of the complaints you may have heard about most is how hard it is to sleep in the hospital. There are lots of things about hospital routines that can make things difficult for patients to sleep, besides noise and illness. While some […]

6 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Health and Well-Being

Health Payoffs, Chicago Health Magazine Online

In our culture, we expect results fast. And while it may not be possible to wake up tomorrow 10 pounds lighter or with an insatiable love of salads, there are small changes you can make that deliver immediate health payoffs — the kind that will encourage you to make another small change, and another and, […]

Sleeping with Artificial Light at Night Associated with Weight Gain in Women

Sleep and weight, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Sleeping with a television or light on in the room may be a risk factor for gaining weight or developing obesity, according to scientists at the National Institutes of Health. The research, which was published online in JAMA Internal Medicine, is the first to find an association between any exposure to artificial light at night […]

Are Weighted Blankets the Secret to Better Sleep?

weighted blanket

We all need hugs, but some children, especially those with sensory disorders, are seeking better sleep with the gentle pressure of a weighted blanket. Though they have long been used for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), weighted blankets have recently exploded in popularity. Filled with small pellets, weighted blankets apply gentle, soothing pressure that […]

The Cardiac-Sleep Connection

gears working together concept heart health and sleep relationship

Why a good night’s rest is crucial for your heart We constantly hear about the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep. Well here’s a new one: It can reduce the risk of heart disease.  Researchers in Hong Kong and Taiwan recently published the results of an 18-year study into the connection between sleep and […]

Is your sleep routine keeping you up at night?

Evidence of a bad sleep routine: individual who is trying to fall asleep on the couch

Falling asleep at night might be the hardest thing you do all day. Thanks to “go-go-go” lives filled with work deadlines, family responsibilities and home chores, it’s no wonder many of us struggle with insomnia. Problem is, many of our favorite ways to wind down at night may actually worsen our sleep. Discover which parts […]

Insomnia: The best and worst ways to fall asleep

Insomnia: Woman in dark with eyes closed

Have trouble falling asleep? Wake up at 3 a.m. for no reason? Insomnia can rob you of energy the next day, fog your thinking and put you in harm’s way on the road. If you’re relying on common crutches for sleeplessness, they won’t help your cause. Here, our sleep experts share their favorite and least […]

Realistic rules for better sleep

Older couple asleep in bed together

You’d have to live in dreamland to follow most popular sleep advice: Turn your bedroom into a spa-like sanctuary, don’t drink caffeine after 2 p.m., and never bring your laptop into the bedroom. You can imagine our surprise when “Sleep Doctor” Michael Breus, Ph.D., admitted that he drifts off with the TV on and his […]

Snored to death: The symptoms and dangers of untreated sleep apnea

Snored to death: sleep apnea symptoms

Harvard Health Blog Sleep is a critically important component of human existence. On average, humans spend about 25 percent to 35 percent of their lives sleeping. Sleep allows both the body and brain to rest and recover from the stress of daily life. As such, trouble sleeping can cause a range of health problems, and […]

When to Worry About Fatigue

Young woman with fatigue yawning at her desk during the workday.

Q: I have been quite fatigued over the past two weeks. I don’t have any other symptoms. How long should I wait before seeing a doctor about my fatigue? A: That’s a great question, but one that does not have a scientific answer. We all go through periods when our energy level is down. It […]

Home remedies to relieve nighttime leg cramps

Nighttime leg cramp relief

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I recently developed cramps that wake me from sleep. When it affects my leg, it aches for the next day or two. What causes this? How can I prevent them? A: Leg cramps at night (also called nocturnal leg cramps) are very common. An estimated one in […]

How sleep improves memory, performance

Birds eye view of woman smiling as she sleeps in bed

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: I don’t think I get enough quality sleep. I keep reading about how you need sleep to improve learning and memory. Why does that make a difference? A: Scientists have long known that getting a good night’s sleep helps us learn and remember. […]

Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to Excess Snacking

Tired and hungry? Sleep deprivation may be contributing to your junk food cravings. Sleep is more than just a time to rest your eyes; it’s vital to your overall health and wellness—even your waistline. Studies have shown that being sleep-starved can lead to overeating. A recent University of Chicago study, published in the journal SLEEP, […]

Doctor’s Orders: Sleepless in Chicago

sleep health

At the time of this writing, it’s 2 a.m. in the dead of winter. I’m feeling a little tired, but there are only so many hours in a day, right? In today’s fast-paced world, I have often heard the expression, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Many of us try to pack in our responsibilities and […]

What happens to your body when you don’t get enough sleep?

Sleepy woman waking up and rubbing her eyes.

By The Brain and Spine Team, Cleveland Clinic If you eat well and exercise regularly but don’t get at least seven hours of sleep every night, you may undermine all your other efforts. Sleep disorders expert Harneet Walia, M.D., says it’s important to focus on getting enough sleep, something many of us lack. “First and […]

A little more sleep has big rewards

Woman postpones alarm clock ringing

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: My wife says I am more forgetful because I don’t get enough sleep. I sleep 6 hours a night. But I don’t feel tired during the day and I haven’t noticed any change. What do you think? A: I won’t get in the […]

Successful strategy to beat sleep med dependence

Woman in bed struggling to fall asleep

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: I have been taking medication to help me sleep for years. I think it’s now slowing me down during the day. I want to stop but hate the thought of lying awake all night. I feel stuck. What should I do? A: You […]

Why Do Women Sleep Worse Than Men?

By Kevin Sterne You lie in bed staring at the clock, trying not to count the hours until the alarm rings. Soon you turn over to face the wall. After a while, you reach for your phone. By 3 a.m. you’ve “liked” your whole newsfeed. Thinking about falling asleep only breeds frustration, keeping you awake. […]

Snoring solutions help turn down the volume

Snoring man

Harvard Health Letters If your wife or sleep partner often seems bleary-eyed and resentful in the morning, you may be one of the millions of adults who snore habitually — a condition that affects twice as many men as women. Snoring occurs when your upper airways narrow too much, causing turbulent airflow. This, in turn, […]

Restless Children

restless child jumping on a bed

Many kids find sleep elusive, due in part to an ADHD misdiagnosis By Nancy Maes Youngsters of all ages need a good night’s sleep, but for some, that good night is elusive. In fact, it is estimated that more than two million children today have some type of sleep disorder. It takes some detective work […]

The Prevention Column

Woman sleeping

Save Your Life by Going to Sleep By Anthony Bonazzo On average, we sleep a third of our lives. This is a significant amount of time to spend with our eyes closed. But it is not time wasted. Research shows that if you sleep less than a steady six to eight hours in a 24-hour […]

Drowsy Driving

What You Need To Know According to the National Sleep Foundation’s 2005 Sleep in America poll, 60 percent of adult drivers—about 168 million people—say they have driven a vehicle while feeling drowsy in the past year, and more than one-third, almost 103 million people, have actually fallen asleep at the wheel.    

A Healthy Night’s Sleep

Snored to death: sleep apnea symptoms

Sleep deprivation contributes to obesity and diabetes A multidisciplinary team at the University of Chicago Medicine (UCM) has shown the first link at the cell level connecting sleep deprivation with a disruption of energy regulation in humans. This finding has important implications relative to two major health risks in modern society, obesity and diabetes. It […]