Award Winning Health Journalism

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Is Surgery for Cervical Spinal Stenosis Best Option for Treatment?

spinal stenosis, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I was diagnosed with cervical spinal stenosis after several months of neck pain, along with weakness, numbness and tingling in one arm and hand that kept getting worse. My healthcare provider recommends surgery, including spinal decompression and fusion. Is there a less-invasive treatment I could try before surgery? ANSWER: Although it is […]

Spinal Stenosis

Alpesh Patel, md, reviews an x-ray showing a coflex Interlaminar Stabilization device implanted in a spine.

Minimally invasive options relieve back and leg pain On a late autumn day, Joe Harsa is busy in his kitchen, dicing beef and chopping veggies that he’ll throw into a pot for a homemade stew. “It takes me about two hours to cut everything up, and I’ve stood the whole time,” Harsa says. “In the […]

Nonsurgical treatments may decrease pain from spinal stenosis

Chiropractor massaging female patient spine and back

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis about 12 years ago. I haven’t had many symptoms over the years, but about six months ago I started noticing increasing discomfort in my legs. Is surgery an option to treat spinal stenosis? If not, what else can I do? The leg pain is making it […]