Mayo Clinic Q&A: What is the Best Diet for Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have been getting conflicting information what I should eat and drink. I love yogurt and ice cream, for instance, but one source said a calcium-rich diet was fine, whereas another said I should limit dairy. I’ve also read that I should avoid soy and iodine. […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Hypothyroidism and Dietary Challenges

Hypothyroidism and Diet, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have been getting conflicting information what I should eat and drink. I love yogurt and ice cream, for instance, but one source said a calcium-rich diet was fine, whereas another said I should limit dairy. I’ve also read that I should avoid soy and iodine. […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Thyroid Nodules Generally Don’t Cause Signs or Symptoms

Thyroid Nodules, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Are thyroid nodules common? What causes them to develop, and should I be concerned if I have one? ANSWER: Lumps in the thyroid — called thyroid nodules — are common. The likelihood of having one is higher in women and increases with age. It’s estimated that up to half of adults over 50 […]

The Medicine Cabinet: Keeping an Eye on Thyroid Condition

thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Q: I have been taking the same dose of thyroid medication for more than 30 years to treat an underactive thyroid gland. My last blood test was abnormal. Does that mean I need a higher dose of thyroid? A: I suspect you had blood test to measure TSH, which stands for thyroid stimulating hormone, and […]

Slightly underactive thyroid: Treat now or wait?

Is an underactive thyroid something to worry about? Image of chin, neck, and chest of young woman in black tank top with blond hair in a braid.

Q: I recently had a routine visit with my doctor. She ordered a thyroid test and told me I have a slightly underactive thyroid gland. If I feel well, do I need treatment? A: What you are describing is what doctors call subclinical hypothyroidism. That means your body is getting enough thyroid hormone for you […]

Thyroid Cancer on the Rise

Thyroid Cancer Test

Diagnosis increasing, but many questions left unanswered By Heidi Kiec When Rebecca Smith felt a lump on her neck the Friday of Memorial Day weekend in 2013, she spent the next three days being paranoid that it was lymphoma. “When I found out I had papillary thyroid cancer, it was a relief to me,” says Smith, […]