For Strong Bones, Start Young

Brittle bones and stooped posture may seem like an inevitable part of aging, but they are not. In fact, what you do now can protect your bones and influence your risk of osteoporosis later. Most people don’t realize they have osteoporosis — which means “porous bone” — until they have a bone fracture. But increased […]
Briefs: Does Vitamin D Impact Covid-19 Death Rates?

Patients from countries with high Covid-19 death rates have lower levels of vitamin D compared to patients in lower-risk countries, according to research from Vadim Backman, professor of biomedical engineering at Northwestern University. In Covid-19 patients, low vitamin D levels also corresponded with an overreactive immune response known as a cytokine storm. “You don’t die […]
Many adults don’t get the amount of vitamin D they should

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have heard different recommendations from different sources regarding vitamin D. One doctor told my husband that everyone living in the Northern Hemisphere should take a vitamin D supplement every day, even in the summer. What do you recommend? ANSWER: Understanding how much vitamin D you need can be confusing because there […]
Major link between low levels of vitamin D, aggressive prostate cancer

Northwestern Medicine research showed deficient vitamin D blood levels in men can predict aggressive prostate cancer identified at the time of surgery. The finding is important because it can offer guidance to men and their doctors who may be considering active surveillance, in which they monitor the cancer rather than remove the prostate. “Vitamin D […]
Vitamin D: What’s the ‘right’ level?

Harvard Health Blog By Monique Tello, M.D., M.P.H. Many of my patients who come into the office for their physical exams ask to have their vitamin D levels checked. They may have a family member with osteoporosis, or perhaps they have had bone thinning themselves. Mostly, they want to know that they’re doing everything they […]
Myth or Fact?

We asked leading Chicago doctors to weigh in on some common health conceptions MYTH OR FACT? Vitamin D deficiency is associated with heart disease, osteoporosis and depression. FACT. While many people know that vitamin D deficiency can be associated with decreased bone strength (osteoporosis), it can also be associated with heart disease, depression, diabetes and even […]
High-dose vitamin D may not lower risk of falls

Vitamin D supplementation has been proposed as a possible preventive strategy to improve lower-extremity function and reduce risk of falls among older adults. But taking higher doses does not improve function and also may increase the risk of falls, according to a study in the February 2016 issue of JAMA Internal Medicine. The recommended daily […]
Thumbs up for vitamin D supplements, but dietary calcium is best

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: I consider myself a healthy 70-year-old man. I eat a balanced diet with lots of vegetables. But I am not sure if I need to take a vitamin D and calcium supplement. What’s your opinion? A: Vitamin D is essential to maintain bone […]