Find your motivation power hour

Find your motivation power hour: image of clock face

Most people’s mental energy is a roller coaster, says Chris Bailey, the author of “The Productivity Project.” “There are certain hours when you naturally have much more drive than at other times,” he says. The tricky thing is that the time of day when mental energy — and motivation — peaks is different for everyone. […]

Biking to work linked to reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and early death

Biking reduced risk of heart disease

Harvard Health Blog Harvard Medical School (HMS) has a bicycle-friendly campus. Faculty, staff and students who commute by bike can park their wheels in secured cages, wash off road grime in showers, buy new helmets at a discount, and receive a monthly reimbursement for bike maintenance costs. HMS encourages bicycle commuting not just to relieve […]

4 easy tips to help you walk 10,000 steps every day

10000 steps a day

Walking is one of the easiest and best activities for losing weight and staying fit. To get the most benefit, some organizations recommend that you aim to take 10,000 steps per day. It’s certainly a great goal to strive for. This magic number of steps is the equivalent of moving almost five miles. When you […]

The truth behind standing desks

Harvard Health Letter Are you reading this while standing at your desk? There’s a good chance that you are — standing desks are all the rage. These desks allow you to work at your “desk job” while standing rather than sitting in a chair. They can be custom built (for thousands of dollars) or you […]