Mayo Clinic Q&A: Can I Exercise When I Am Sick?

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Can I continue to exercise even if I don’t feel well, or should I hold off until I start to feel better? ANSWER: The answer to that question depends largely on what’s wrong. For example, if you have symptoms of the common cold, it’s usually fine to keep exercising. It may even […]
How to find time to squeeze in a workout

Maybe you’ve always considered yourself “active” — you played sports in high school, and now you enjoy walking your dog, hiking and an occasional yoga session. But maybe you don’t have teammates or organized workouts to hold you accountable, and exercise has been replaced by other “must-dos” in your schedule. We get it: Life is […]
The rise of pushups: A classic exercise that can help you get stronger

By Matthew Solan Harvard Health Blog The morning of my 50th birthday in May I did something I had not tried in a long time. I dropped to the floor and did 50 pushups, one for each year. I had to break it up into sets and the last few where shaky, but I did […]
EatingWell: Is your workout making you gain weight?

By Lisa D’Agrosa, M.S., R.D., I love the pumped-up energy I have after a good workout. Plus, I feel stronger — I am this close to being able to do a real pull-up. But if we’re being honest, I also love the way exercising helps my body look. There’s a certain satisfaction that comes […]
Safe exercise: Know the warning signs of pushing too hard

Harvard Health Letters You know the expression about no pain, no gain. But pain and other symptoms during exercise are not normal. You should always pay attention when your body is sending you warning signs. “Be sensible if you have symptoms. It’s better to get help so you can exercise for years to come rather […]