Age of the Machines

Da Vinci Robot

How the da Vinci robot is changing the face of surgery. The idea of machines conducting procedures on human beings has been a stronghold in science fiction for a while. We’ve seen the imagery countless times in books, on television and in movies. But only in the last decade has this futuristic vision become a day-to-day reality. […]

Brain Power

CT scans of the human brain, without gliobastoma.

More noninvasive technology really getting at brain tumors The brain is the home for so much of our central being: It’s the place that houses our thoughts and emotions, stores our dearest memories and controls all of our behavior. So what happens when this home is invaded by the likes of a cancerous tumor? According […]

A New Frontier

Black and white portrait of the eye of a man

How a molecule in the cornea could help fight blindness—and maybe cancer This is how scientific discovery begins; a question that doesn’t have an answer meets intelligent people who won’t rest until they find one. “Why is it that the cornea is clear?” Dr. Dimitri Azar, interim dean, College of Medicine professor and head of […]

A Crash Course in Yoga

Tips for keeping your resolutions. Image shows neck down shot of woman sitting on wood floor doing yoga with legs crossed and hands in prayer position.

Suzanne Ko started yoga as an antidote. She was taking strength training and cardio-kick boxing classes. “My muscles were always in flexion with those types of exercises,” she says. “Yoga created a counterbalance because it lengthens the muscles and undoes the tightness.” Ko, a former interior designer, eventually launched SKo-Fit that offers a holistic approach to fitness. […]

Health Mastery


Don’t underestimate the power of belief I remember drinking in the elixir of belief as a 4-year-old during the telling of Peter Pan in kindergarten. Tinker Bell was almost annihilated that day by classmate Johnny Sweeney’s half-hearted, floppy-wrist, air-between-the-fingers, don’t-believe-in-fairies clap. But my friends and I believed. We clapped powerfully and with passion. And through […]

Precious Memories


Gene studies advance medicines and profit for Alzheimer’s De­­nise Combs remembers the moment when she first realized her husband John might be suffering from memory loss. “He was a real estate broker for 38 years and always wore a necktie, but one Easter morning… he couldn’t knot his tie. He had done [it] all his […]

Drugging our Kids

ADHD drugs

Will drugs cure ADHD, or are we overdosing? Who isn’t familiar with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADD or ADHD)? Diagnoses increase each year. TV commercials pitch medications that can curb the symptoms. Celebrities such as Olympic gold medal winner Michael Phelps and Deal or No Deal host Howie Mandel have gone public with their condition. ADD […]