Relieving pain for long-distance runners

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 42 and training for my first marathon. During my longer runs I have pretty significant hip and knee pain. Some runner friends advise that I just stretch more, and others say I need to do exercises to strengthen my ITB. What can I do to alleviate the pain? Is it […]
Understanding the devastating disorder that is ALS In the summer of 2014, social media was taken by storm with videos of people pouring ice water on themselves for the Ice Bucket Challenge. The worldwide phenomenon raised awareness — and millions of research dollars — for a fatal disease called ALS. ALS stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It’s also called Lou Gehrig’s […]
Memory lapses — when not to worry

By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: I just turned 70. I have always had a great memory. But now I occasionally can’t remember names. Is this normal memory loss, or something more serious? A: For many of us, these types of memory blips become more common as we get older. Our brains are forming fewer connections […]
How safe are foods that contain cannabis?

By Matt Ruscigno, M.P.H., R.D., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter There may not be a more controversial plant in existence than cannabis (aka marijuana). Long heralded as both a beneficial commodity for human use and a dangerous gateway drug, it has a rich history of human cultivation — and positions, political and otherwise — on its potential […]