Counseling before and after weight-loss surgery can be a big help

Mayo Clinic Q&A By Karen Grothe, Ph.D. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I decided to have bariatric surgery, but was told that I first need to go through counseling. What will those sessions involve, and would counseling really improve my chances of the surgery being successful? ANSWER: Before you have weight-loss surgery, it’s important to understand what […]
Colorectal screening can save lives

Source: Parkland Hospital, Dallas Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death of the cancers that strike both men and women, but only 40 percent of the U.S. population is screened for the disease, even though early detection has proven to be an effective life-saver. The American Cancer Society estimates that about 93,000 new […]
Research hints at a nutritional strategy for reducing autism risk

Folic acid has long been touted as an important supplement for women of childbearing age for its ability to prevent defects in the baby’s developing brain and spinal cord. In fact, folic acid is considered so important that it is added as a supplement to breads, pastas, rice and cereals to help ensure that women […]
Strict, gluten-free diet important for anyone with celiac disease

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: If someone has been diagnosed with celiac disease but has never had any symptoms, would eating a gluten-free diet still be necessary? ANSWER: Following a strict gluten-free diet is important for anyone who has celiac disease, even if the disorder does not trigger any symptoms. Eating gluten when you […]
Travel abroad for low-cost care

By Miriam Cross, Kiplinger Personal Finance After an emergency-room visit in 2014 revealed a bleeding blood vessel in his brain, Terry Lane had a choice: He could take pills for the rest of his life in hopes that the seizures caused by the bleeding would cease, or he could have brain surgery to remove the […]
Five bad eating habits you should break

Feel like you’re doing everything right, yet still struggling to keep your weight in check? You might be falling prey to one or more of these diet-derailing habits that can sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Find out if any of these are trumping your best efforts and learn how to get back on track. 1. Bad […]
Vitamin D: What’s the ‘right’ level?

Harvard Health Blog By Monique Tello, M.D., M.P.H. Many of my patients who come into the office for their physical exams ask to have their vitamin D levels checked. They may have a family member with osteoporosis, or perhaps they have had bone thinning themselves. Mostly, they want to know that they’re doing everything they […]
4 easy tips to help you walk 10,000 steps every day

Walking is one of the easiest and best activities for losing weight and staying fit. To get the most benefit, some organizations recommend that you aim to take 10,000 steps per day. It’s certainly a great goal to strive for. This magic number of steps is the equivalent of moving almost five miles. When you […]
How to buy eggs: What do organic, cage-free and free-range labels mean?

Buying a simple carton of eggs, like a lot of things in life, has become more complicated. Do you want free-range? Cage-free? Brown? White? Speckled? Large, medium or small? Here’s how to understand what all those words on the carton mean so you can decide which matter. Organic Organic eggs are certified to have been […]
Brain MRI shows why meditation helps reduce pain

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: For years, I have needed narcotic medications to control my chronic pain. My doctor is trying to reduce my dose by asking me to practice meditation. Can this really help reduce my pain? A: Yes, meditation and other avenues to mindfulness can help decrease your use of […]