Morning sickness doesn’t pose health threat for most pregnant women Affiliate

Morning sickness doesn’t pose health threat for most pregnant women

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’m 15 weeks pregnant and have had horrible morning sickness from the beginning of…

A good mood equals a faster metabolism Family Health

A good mood equals a faster metabolism

A fast metabolism, a happy outlook — these are two things we can all agree are worth chasing. And now,…

Can probiotics help treat depression and anxiety? Affiliate

Can probiotics help treat depression and anxiety?

Harvard Health Blog There is a lot of interest right now in the human microbiome (the populations of bacteria that…

10 ways to keep your Thanksgiving stress-free Affiliate

10 ways to keep your Thanksgiving stress-free

Filled with family, friends and delicious food, Thanksgiving is a great holiday — unless you’re the cook. If you signed…