Help for erectile dysfunction beyond popping a pill

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: Now that I am getting older, I have occasional problems keeping an erection. What do you suggest, other than popping a pill before sex? A: Occasional erectile dysfunction (ED) is very common, even at young age. As men age, it’s likely to happen more often. In the […]
Is your sleep routine keeping you up at night?

Falling asleep at night might be the hardest thing you do all day. Thanks to “go-go-go” lives filled with work deadlines, family responsibilities and home chores, it’s no wonder many of us struggle with insomnia. Problem is, many of our favorite ways to wind down at night may actually worsen our sleep. Discover which parts […]
Power up on foods packed with vitamin E

Vitamin E may be a star of the supplement aisle, but food is where this nutrient truly shines. After almost a century of research, there is still much to be discovered, but we do know the vitamin is more effective from food sources, further reiterating that a pill isn’t always the answer to a healthy […]
How much can families contribute to an HSA?

Q: I picked a high-deductible health insurance policy for 2018 that covers my whole family. How much can I contribute to an HSA in 2018? Can my wife also contribute to an HSA, or am I the only one who can make the contribution because the HSA is through my work? A: Because your HSA-eligible […]