Award-Winning Health Journalism

A Robust Blend: Coffee and Hope

When patrons at the Sip of Hope Community Coffee Bar order a cup of coffee, they get a signature blend: coffee with a side of mental health resources.

The shop, in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood, serves lattes and “destigmatizing decaf.” Along one brick wall, a large sign reads, “it’s ok not to be ok.” It’s all part of the shop’s mission to break the silence around suicide and mental health.

Sip of Hope is the world’s first coffee shop where 100% of proceeds support suicide prevention and mental health education. Since opening in 2018, it’s served up coffee along with mental health resources. 

All baristas at Sip of Hope are trained in mental health first aid from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. Resources from parent nonprofit Hope for the Day are available to anyone who walks in, regardless of income or background. 

Suicide prevention can start with a conversation and a cappuccino.

“We’re a stigma-free community space where people can be comfortable being themselves,” says Becca Milligan, marketing and events director. “Guests can get coffee, or just stop by to chat.” 

Mental Health

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