The best diet for managing your diabetes

The best diet for diabetes management includes lots of healthy vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates. Image is of meal of cooked salmon and salad with fresh veggies.

Many older Americans have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. In fact, even though many have not been diagnosed, one in four adults aged 65 or older have diabetes and nearly 50 percent have prediabetes. And what they eat matters. More than a blood sugar problem Though healthcare providers use blood sugar levels to diagnose diabetes, […]

Years of good blood sugar control helps diabetic hearts

senior woman with glucometer checking blood sugar

Day in and day out, for years on end, millions of people with diabetes prick their fingers to test their blood sugar level. And many may wonder if all the careful eating, exercise and medication it takes to keep those levels under control is really worth it. A recent study should encourage them to keep […]

Low blood sugar a concern for patients with diabetes

Close-up Of Person Hands Measuring Blood Sugar With Glucometer

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have type 2 diabetes and take medication for it. How concerned should I be about my blood sugar getting too low? ANSWER: Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) results from too much insulin and too little sugar (glucose) in your blood. In adults, it usually occurs in people with diabetes […]

High morning blood sugar common and treatable

close up of man checking blood sugar by glucometer

By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: I have type 2 diabetes. My blood sugar runs high in the morning, especially if I am in pain. I have arthritis and neuropathy in my feet and lower legs. Why is my sugar running high in the morning, especially when my pain is worse? A: It’s common for people […]

EatingWell: Aim to eat lower on the glycemic index

glycemic index By Dr. Jean Harvey-Berino, Ph.D., R.D., Joyce Hendley, and Rachel Johnson, Ph.D, M.P.H., R.D. All the carbohydrate foods we eat cause a release of glucose into the bloodstream–and a corresponding rise in insulin–but some raise glucose more than others. The glycemic index (GI) is a system of ranking foods containing equal amounts of carbohydrate […]

Mini meals vs. three squares: Which is best?

woman with plate of food

By Marsha McCulloch, M.S., R.D., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter It’s a popular notion that eating smaller, more frequent meals, such as six small meals a day, is a healthier approach than the traditional three square meals a day. Some people believe eating more frequently may help keep their hunger under better control and their metabolism revved […]