3 Health Benefits of Yoga

Health benefits of yoga: Woman standing on hill overlooking sunset an doing "tree" yoga pose.

Yoga has gotten to be a popular activity with people of all ages — perhaps because it leaves you with a such a good feeling after you practice it. (Who doesn’t love ending a workout session flat on your back with your eyes closed?) But it can do more than bliss you out after a […]

Calcium is crucial for long-term bone health

Various food products that are rich in calcium - milk, cheese, nuts, beans

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Should all postmenopausal women take calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis, or are there other things I can do to prevent it? Also, I know caffeine is bad for bone health, but can eating a high-protein diet also hurt my bones? ANSWER: Calcium is crucial for long-term bone health. A […]

The Truth About Tequila and Your Bones

Two tequila margaritas

Harvard Health Blog “Tequila could reverse osteoporosis!” “Drinking tequila is good for your bones!” “Have a third margarita — because tequila’s great for your bones!” Talk about misleading headlines! These are prime examples. It’s true that a newly published study found that a substance in tequila (called agave tequilana, or tequila agave) might help maintain […]

Environmental Nutrition: Calcium controversy

Assortment of calcium rich foods

Americans are encouraged to get more calcium to build and maintain strong healthy bones. But recent headlines suggest that too much calcium could actually be bad for your health and may not, after all, do much to protect your bones. So, what should you do? Until new research provides clear answers, ditch those supplements in […]

Environmental Nutrition: Nourish your bones


Unlike the static human skeletons that commonly hang in biology classrooms, your bones are continually being broken down and rebuilt. In fact, your entire skeleton is replaced about every 10 years. In addition to exercise, about 20 different nutrients help prevent the weakening of bones that leads to osteoporosis. We review nutrients you’re more than […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Many factors can raise risk of osteoporosis

Human spine

By Bart Clarke, M.D., Endocrinology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis when she was in her 80s. My sister and I are now in our 60s, and my sister is concerned that we’re at high risk for the disease. I thought osteoporosis was just part of aging, especially for […]