Op-Ed: Take Steps to Detect Colorectal Cancer Early

Two women hugging in a kitchen, and one has colorectal cancer. One of the women has a shaved head and a pink wrap covering.

It’s no myth: Colorectal cancer is increasing in younger adults Colorectal cancer, a broad term ascribed to cancer of the colon or rectum, is the third most common form of cancer diagnosed in the U.S. The American Cancer Society estimates that 150,000 Americans — one in every 23 men and one in every 25 women — will […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Screening Is an Important Step in Preventing Colon Cancer

Preventing Colon Cancer

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Are there ways to prevent colon cancer? What about early symptoms to watch for? I just turned 50, and I’ve heard colon cancer is more common as you get older. I’d like to lower my risk of getting this disease as much as possible. ANSWER: There are some lifestyle changes that may […]

Getting Over It: Why You Should Get a Colonoscopy

abstract figure with rectal area highlighted

Facing the discomfort of a colonoscopy is a sure way to avoid the greater discomfort and danger of colon cancer   Colorectal cancer—or colon cancer, as it is more commonly referred to—is the third most common type of cancer in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the deadliest forms […]

Simple steps to help prevent colon cancer

Relaxed senior gentleman sitting on wooden bench in a park on a sunny day

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: An older cousin was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. Does that put me at higher risk? What’s the best ways for me to prevent it? A: If your cousin is the only family member that has had colon cancer, your risk is probably the same as someone […]

Research shows clear benefits to colon cancer screening no later than age 50

Set of hands holding two blue ribbons for colon cancer awareness

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Is a colonoscopy still recommended for everyone when they turn 50? Are there other options? I am 54 and have no health issues and no family history of colon cancer, so have not yet been screened. ANSWER: The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that everyone between the ages […]

What’s New in Colon Cancer Testing?

Endoscopist carries out examination of the patient

No one looks forward to a colonoscopy, or the bowel prep that goes with it. But colon screening — testing to look for cancer before symptoms start — helps saves lives. Screening can find colon cancer early when it’s small and easier to treat, or even prevent it altogether. Colonoscopy, however, is just one of […]

Six ways to lower your risk for colon cancer

Woman with hands on stomach

Colon cancer is one of the more common cancers in the U.S. About 1 in 20 Americans will develop colon cancer at some point during their lifetime. But there are things you can do to help lower your risk. Here are six ways to help protect your colon health. 1. Get screened for colon cancer. […]

Can aspirin protect against cancer?

Aspirin tablets

Harvard Health Blog The other day, a fit 50-year-old man came to me for a visit to review his health. As we discussed his (generally good) efforts to take care of himself, he said, “I’ve been wondering if I should take an aspirin every day. I read somewhere that it can prevent cancer.” As a […]