Watery tears might mean dry eyes

Dry eyes: image is up close shot of eye in a bit of a squint with green/blue iris

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I was recently diagnosed with dry eyes. But my eyes seem to be watery all the time. What would cause that to happen? A: Usually people with dry eyes have too few tears. But as strange as it may sound, dry eyes can also be watery. Tears […]

Relief from dry eyes may not require special treatments or eye drops

Up close shot of man with red, dry eyes.

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My eyes have gotten drier as I’ve gotten older, and I’ve tried eye drops for relief. But some eye drops feel irritating, and others seem to have a rather thick consistency. What options do I have? ANSWER: Dry eyes occur when your tears — a mixture of water, fatty […]

How an Eye Disease Associated with Seniors Is Impacting More Young People

For seven years, I went to different optometrists and ophthalmologists with a nagging, intermittent complaint. Sometimes once a week, sometimes once a month, my vision became cloudy in one eye, and I felt as though I were peering through a foggy window. It made work difficult, and when driving at night, I’d see halos around headlights and […]