3 reasons to leave earwax alone
Harvard Health Blog Can you think of something you do that’s nearly irresistible, widely popular, but a bad idea that’s based on a health myth? That’s right, I’m talking about inserting cotton-tipped swabs into your ears. According to guidelines from the American Academy of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, experts strongly discourage twirling cotton-tipped swabs […]
The Kid’s Doctor: Middle ear issues can be remedied without surgery
I read an intriguing study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal about children who have persistent middle ear fluid (otitis media with effusion). The problem is fairly common and is often a reason that children will undergo a day surgical procedure to insert tympanostomy tubes (ear tubes). In fact, my 11-month-old granddaughter just had tubes […]
Safely clear earwax when build-up causes symptoms
By Howard LeWine, M.D. Q: How do you clear wax build up in the ear? I have small ear canals and it’s difficult for me to clear the wax build-up. I use hydrogen peroxide, but it doesn’t always help. What do you recommend? A: Earwax (the medical term is cerumen) is the sticky substance made […]