How to Make Grilled Salads

Healthy and inventive grilled salads: image is of three small heads of romaine lettuce charring on the grill.

If you’re looking for something lighter, healthier and tastier than typical grilled fare, then think about cooking up a salad on the grill. You heard us right: We’re talking about grilled salads. Not only can you cook the obvious chicken breast or steak for your salad, but the grill also does wonders with veggies, fruits […]

How to pick healthy condiments at a barbecue

Hamburger with toppings

When you’ve been handed a burger at a backyard barbecue, chances are you make a beeline for the condiment table. But how well do you know the nutrition status of your favorite burger and hot dog toppings? While they may seem harmless, the usual suspects — mustard, ketchup, mayo and relish — can actually be […]

Grill Healthier this Summer


By Morgan Lord It’s early summer, which means that grilling season has reached its peak (June and July, according to the National Fire Protection Agency). This year, before putting your Kiss the Cook apron on, check out these tips from Karen Collins, nutrition adviser to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), and grill healthier. Beat […]