Announcing Our 2022 Award-Winning Stories from Chicago Health and Caregiving

Chicago Health and Caregiving magazines have won a host of prestigious journalism awards in 2022. Read them here. AAOS Media Orthopaedic Reporting Excellence (MORE) awards Presented annually to journalists in the U.S., The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons’ MORE Awards celebrate media’s role in educating patients about musculoskeletal issues, innovative treatments, preventive care, and recovery. […]
2021 Award-Winning Journalism from Chicago Health and Caregiving

In one of our most exciting years yet, we’re honored to share that Chicago Health and Caregiving magazines have won a host of journalism awards in 2021! Association of Health Care Journalists Kate Silver won a first place award from the Association of Health Care Journalists for her Chicago Health story, “Learning from the Dead: The enduring […]