Award Winning Health Journalism

Losing Control

Woman crossing her legs with pelvic floor issues

Pelvic floor physical therapy can improve quality of life for men and women For years, Park Ridge resident Amanda Key, 24, planned her activities around bathroom access. She would avoid fun road trips to prevent accidents. On plane rides, she tried not to drink anything and always booked an aisle seat for a quick run to […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Lower Back Pain Issues

Countering Lower Back Pain, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 45 and relatively healthy. But about a year ago, I hurt my lower back while working in the yard. I felt a sharp pain and could barely walk. It took about a month to heal. Then about a month ago, I hurt my back again — this time while lifting […]

Physical therapy after hip replacement: Can rehab happen at home?

Health care worker helping an elderly man with a walker

By Robert H. Shmerling, M.D. Harvard Health Blog Chances are good that at some point you or someone you know will have hip replacement surgery. I can say that with some confidence because it’s a common operation that’s becoming more common all the time. An estimated 300,000 total hip replacements are performed each year in […]

Specialists in pain management help patients cope with chronic pain

Woman getting physical therapy for her knee

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’ve had persistent headaches for about six months. Medication sometimes helps, but not always, and the pain just keeps coming back. My doctor checked to see if another medical problem could be causing the headaches, but she didn’t find anything. She now recommends I see a pain management specialist. […]

Nonsurgical treatments may decrease pain from spinal stenosis

Chiropractor massaging female patient spine and back

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis about 12 years ago. I haven’t had many symptoms over the years, but about six months ago I started noticing increasing discomfort in my legs. Is surgery an option to treat spinal stenosis? If not, what else can I do? The leg pain is making it […]