Food Synergy Boosts Nutrition

Food Synergy: image of spaghetti wrapped around a fork with small tomato and piece of basil on top.

Pancakes and maple syrup, spaghetti and meatballs, chocolate and strawberries — these are the “Thelma and Louises” of the food world — items that just belong together. Beyond flavor, when certain foods are eaten together, their nutritional firepower is amplified. It’s called food synergy: a concept where the benefits of two or more foods eaten […]

Healing Spices


It may be winter, but herbs can grow in flowerpots indoors year-round. Fresh herbs not only look and smell great, but their medicinal benefits can help build your body’s defenses against many viruses and diseases. “Fresh cilantro contains high levels of antioxidants which acts as a digestive aid and helps prevent urinary tract infections,” says […]