Preventing Suicide

Illustration of woman comforting another. Empathy, mental help in depression and suicide prevention concept

How to talk about suicide prevention with a partner, relative, or friend. Content warning: This article focuses on suicide prevention. Coping skills, support, and treatment work for most people who have thought about ending their life. Here are resources if you or someone you care about needs support: • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline —988, which […]

The New 988

Black man has a striped red, white, and blue blanket around his shoulders. He's sitting and on a phone call, looking upset.

A national mental health crisis line offers an alternative to 911, alleviating the need for law enforcement response to mental health issues. The United States launched in July a national mental health crisis line: 988. People now have the option to call or text this free, confidential number instead of calling 911 during mental health […]

Suicide Watch

Suicide watch chicago health

Know the Warning Signs in Older Adults A recent study in the journal Clinical Interventions in Aging revealed a shocking truth: The risk of suicide increases with age, with rates as high as 48.7 per 100,000 for older white men over age 65 — more than four times the age-adjusted average. Depression is a common […]

Association between genetics and suicide is complicated

Does suicide run in families? Depressed older man cradles head in hand

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Why does it seem that suicide tends to run in families? Does it have anything to do with genetics? ANSWER: The association between genetics and suicide is complicated. Research has shown that there is a genetic component to suicide. But it is only one of many factors that may […]