The Perils of Pain

The Perils of Pain Chicago Health

Searching for new solutions to chronic suffering Pain — ongoing, chronic pain that plagues us day after day — can seem almost unbearable at times. Whether it’s a nagging pain in the neck or a constant stabbing in the back that limits mobility, no one wants to be afflicted by it. About 20 percent of […]

Metastatic Breast Cancer

Novartis Sponsored Metastatic Breast Cancer

Living with a terminal cancer that is seldom understood Chicagoan Shannon Collins was in for a shock. At age 26, she was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer, a surprising diagnosis for one so young, even though breast cancer runs in her family. Taking an all-out approach, Collins tackled the cancer with aggressive chemo and a […]

Skip the Salt

Salt pouring into heart

Reduce your sodium intake to improve heart health Recently, researchers explained that if the food industry complied with the Food and Drug Administration’s 10-year plan to reduce sodium in commercially prepared food, some 450,000 cases of cardiovascular disease could be prevented, saving more than $40 billion over 20 years.  Sodium consumption is a leading controllable risk factor […]

Training Cells to Attack

Cancer cells abstract

Groundbreaking CAR T-cell therapy engineers cells to target tumors In fall 2013, when psychiatrist J. Barry Rubin, DO, developed hip pain, he attributed it to his new golf swing technique. Rubin, an active 72-year-old and avid golfer with a thriving psychiatry practice, was surprised when, after an MRI and biopsy, he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma […]

Fertile Ground

gender-diverse fertility

Opening up fertility conversations in the gender-diverse community Nestled in their Logan Square living room, Wil (pronouns: they/them/theirs), age 22, confides that they’ve always known they would raise children.  It was the day before Wil would visit their physician at a Chicagoland clinic specializing in the LGBTQIA+ community to discuss fertility. It’s a topic Wil […]

DNA Dos and Don’ts

family tree and dna strand

What you need to know about direct-to-consumer genetic health tests I stood in front of the bathroom sink, spitting into the tube for what seemed like half an hour, trying to get enough saliva for the at-home genetic test. The test had been sitting on my desk for several weeks, unopened. I wasn’t sure I wanted […]

Open Wide

tongue stuck out

HPV infection may lead to oral cancer, but screening and vaccines can help Park Ridge dentist John Hagopian, DDS, was accustomed to administering oral cancer screenings to his patients. But in 2012, after having been in practice for 30 years, he found himself playing the role of patient.  “I was shaving in the mirror, and I lifted my head to […]

Lead’s Dangerous Legacy

old pipes leaky faucet lead

With lead lurking in the paint, soil and water, many Chicagoans are at high risk Like a civic superhero team, three city workers — a plumber, electrician and engineer — rang my doorbell one morning for our scheduled appointment. They had come to test our water after preliminary analysis showed high lead levels — 17 parts […]

Strengthening Core Muscles

Cindy Reid, director of Flow Studios, demonstrates Pilates exercises for core strength.

Movement exercises combat back pain We live in a sitting culture, says Ivan Huergo, DPT, founder and clinical director of Physical Sciences Institute (PSI), a physical therapy clinic in Chicago and Westmont. And because of that, “Everybody eventually complains of back pain.” More than half of our waking hours are spent sitting, whether it’s working at […]

Anti-Inflammatory Eating

Produce closeup at a farmers market

Plant-based foods may keep inflammation at bay Inflammation is a natural part of life. It’s your body’s rescue response for fighting infections or healing injuries. Acute, short-term inflammation is normal and healthy; however, chronic or long-term inflammation can be detrimental to health. Chronic inflammation can cause diseases such as obesity, certain cancers, diabetes, heart disease, […]

Springy, Zingy Melon Soup

Ginger and turmeric have been prized for centuries, not only for their spicy flavor when they’re added to curries, stir-fries and desserts, but also for their anti-inflammatory properties. They’ve long been used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. Ginger’s rich phytochemistry includes many beneficial antioxidant compounds. “Ginger has [starring] potential for treating a number of […]

Memory Cafes Provide Activities for Alzheimer’s

Chicago Memory Cafe's

At the Chicago Memory Café, a group of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, along with their caregivers, gather for social engagement and support. Here, they find conversations and connections. The nationwide cafés aim to eliminate the stigma surrounding memory loss and combat the depression and isolation that exacerbate symptoms. Programs have included […]

Long-Lasting Hiccups More Common than Thought

Everyone knows that uncomfortable, annoying gasp of air known as the hiccup. But can you imagine having hiccups indefinitely? Physicians say long-lasting hiccups are more common than we realize. Persistent hiccups last longer than two days, while intractable hiccups last longer than a month and are typically associated with underlying medical problems. Guinness World Records recorded […]

Fighting Cancer and Food Insecurity

Chicago Food Insecurities

All cancer patients should have access to the healthy food needed to nourish and heal their bodies. That’s why Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center and Lakeview Pantry teamed up to create a food pantry program for cancer patients struggling with food insecurity. For low-income oncology patients, food insecurity is a wide-reaching concern nationally and locally, […]

A Dire Diagnosis

Martha Strong and her son, Marrion, during a hospital visit to La Rabida Children’s Hospital.

But advancements give new hope for children with sickle cell disease Martha Strong’s son Marrion came out screaming.  “He was actually having his very first pain crisis as he was being pushed out of me,” Strong says. What she didn’t know then, but would learn very soon, was that Marrion had sickle cell disease, a […]

Erectile Dysfunction

Honest conversations with physicians can help men find treatment Although you may see TV ads about erectile dysfunction (ED), the disorder is largely shrouded in silence. And yet, an estimated 30 million men in the United States live with the condition.  Men who are unable to get an erection or can’t get an erection that is […]

I’ll Hold Your Hand

Richard Wolfe, md, with a patient in Rainbow Hospice’s in-patient unit at AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center Chicago. Photo courtesy of Amita health

Providing peace and support through hospice care A little more than six years ago, Sandy Downs sat down with her husband of 47 years, Perry, and gave it to him straight: She wanted him to be honest with her about her disease. Perry was surprised. “She never wanted to talk about her disease,” he says, […]

A Better Life for All

CEL summer program. Photo courtesy of center for enriched living

GiGi’s Playhouse and Center for Enriched Living offer opportunities for achievement It’s a universal feeling: to want to belong and to feel loved. Two nonprofit organizations, both with roots in the Chicago area, are working hard every day to champion the rights of those with developmental and intellectual disabilities. As a society, we often focus […]

Suicide Watch

Suicide watch chicago health

Know the Warning Signs in Older Adults A recent study in the journal Clinical Interventions in Aging revealed a shocking truth: The risk of suicide increases with age, with rates as high as 48.7 per 100,000 for older white men over age 65 — more than four times the age-adjusted average. Depression is a common […]

Robot Improves Lung Cancer Detection

Robot Lung Cancer Chicago Health

Lung cancer, generally asymptomatic in its early stages, is often not discovered until it’s more advanced. But a new robotic device is helping to get a better look at suspicious lung nodules sooner and with less discomfort. Traditionally, lung nodules are caught via CT scans and then biopsied with a surgical or radiological approach. Now […]

Relieving Pain with Watsu Water Therapy

Watsu Pain Relief Chicago Health

Those looking to relieve stress and pain might test the water with Watsu, a form of water therapy. In a heated therapy pool, Watsu incorporates the systematic pressure and gentle stretches of Zen shiatsu to balance energy, reduce stress and pain and encourage relaxation. Massage therapist Diane Novak, certified in shiatsu and Watsu, practices Watsu […]

Myth vs Fact

Myth or Fact?

Mosquitoes and ticks are most active during spring and summer, bringing with them not just a propensity for bites, but also the possibility of serious illness. We checked in with two local concierge physicians for help separating fact from fiction when it comes to ticks, mosquitoes and the major diseases they carry. MYTH or FACT? […]

To CBD or Not to CBD

CBD Oil Benefits Chicago OIl

You don’t have to look hard to find lotions and potions, patches and tinctures, lip balm and gummies infused with cannabidiol, or CBD, which is a non-psychogenic cannabinoid molecule derived from cannabis plants. Since CBD does not have psychogenic compounds from the cannabis plant — i.e., it doesn’t make you feel high — it is […]

Pain Goes to Pot

Pain Goes to Pot chicago Health

Does medical marijuana deliver on its pain-relieving promises? Every day, Samantha is in pain. Her elbows and knees feel inflamed. Her ankle aches. She gets cramps in her abdomen. Her lower back hurts. She suffers from fibromyalgia, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome. To feel better, Samantha uses medical cannabis — also […]

Pain and Mental Health

Pain and Mental Health Chicago Health

When chronic pain strikes, depression and anxiety can follow Chronic pain is more than a physical problem. Those who suffer from long-term pain often experience emotional and psychological aspects as well, particularly depression and anxiety. Add to that potential anger, frustration, hopelessness, fear and jealousy, and the emotional symptoms of chronic pain can quickly become […]

Alternative Approaches to Pain Management

Alternative Pain Management Chicago Health

Holistic therapies and mind-body treatments can help with chronic pain Kari Wagner was walking home from the park with her dog and 10-year-old son when she was thrust onto the asphalt. After that, she has only a few memories: lying in the street, being transported in an ambulance and being in the hospital. A car […]

Controlling Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain Treatment Chicago Health

A shift in approach delivers a dose of hope Pain has always played a role in Kristen Willard’s life. She was born with a congenital defect in her back — a fusing of two vertebrae that made her more susceptible to back injuries. She first hurt her back at 16 and has had ongoing issues […]