Quality Supplements

What to look for in a label Choosing a supplement can be confusing. Not all brands are equal, and how do you know that you’re actually getting what the label says? “Quality matters if you hope to see a benefit and reduce the risk of harm,” says Melinda Ring, MD, executive director at the Osher […]
Environmental Nutrition: A Tough Pill to Swallow: Are Supplements Safe?

The dietary supplement industry brings in billions of dollars each year, with an estimated 90,000 products on the market, including vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, probiotics, or other substances in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form. About half of American adults take at least one dietary supplement for health or wellness, or […]
Mayo Clinic Q&A: Be Careful with Nonprescription CBD Products

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’m interested in trying CBD for knee pain. I see CBD for sale everywhere — even at gas stations. How do I figure out which kind to buy? Are CBD products that are available without a prescription safe and effective? ANSWER: When it comes to trying products made with cannabidiol, or CBD, […]
Greens Powders May Provide a Nutritional Kick

Greens powders promise to help us reach the recommended five cups of vegetables and fruits each day. They also tout benefits like digestive support, energy enhancement, and disease prevention, which is quite appealing. But do these supplements really deliver? Though they can’t compare to whole foods, greens powders may offer up some potential benefits. What […]
The Scoop on Protein Powder

Eating enough protein is not just for athletes or would-be Schwarzenegger types. It is necessary for a healthy immune system and required for organs like your heart, brain, and skin to function properly. The nutrient is also touted for its ability to help control appetite and enhance muscle growth. How much protein you need typically […]
Ashwagandha: A Stress-Relieving Herb

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a small evergreen shrub found in areas of India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. The plant has small, green flowers and fruit that turn orange-red when ripe. In Sanskrit, “ashwagandha” translates to “smell of the horse,” which is thought to be a result of its strong, “horse-like” odor, or […]
Mayo Clinic Q&A: Dietary Supplements Useful in Some Situations, but Also Can Be Harmful

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Why does my doctor want to know what supplements I’m taking, even if I don’t have any health problems and don’t take more than the recommended amounts? ANSWER: It’s important to tell your healthcare provider about any dietary supplements you take. Although you don’t need a prescription for most supplements, that doesn’t […]
Spotlight on Supplements: Cinnamon

You undoubtedly know the familiar aroma and flavor of cinnamon. This popular spice is used in cuisines around the world for its warm and distinct flavor. But does cinnamon have therapeutic value? Environmental Nutrition examines this well-known ingredient. Overview Cinnamon is sourced from the inner bark of various species of cinnamon trees. Strips of the […]
Spotlight on Supplements: Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Lipoic acid, often called alpha-lipoic acid or a-lipoic acid (ALA), is a naturally occurring compound that is synthesized by plants, animals, and humans. It is also available as a dietary supplement. But, do you need it, and how much should you take? Environmental Nutrition reviews the research on this compound to help you learn more. […]
The Role of Zinc; Is Gum Safe for my Teeth?

Q: What role does zinc play in the body? A: Zinc is an essential nutrient (meaning that your body can’t produce zinc, so it must be consumed daily through food or supplements). This vital nutrient is used by the body in many ways. Zinc is second only to iron in its abundance in the body […]
Beware Crooked Contact Tracers, Covid-19 Fraud

As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads to communities throughout the U.S., the epidemic of coronavirus-related fraud continues unabated. What to watch out for: Bogus contact tracers Contact tracers, who are employed by state health departments, are an important tool in controlling the spread of Covid-19. Legitimate tracers may contact you via phone, email, text, or in […]
Ask the Harvard Experts: For Some, Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements Can Reduce Risk of Heart Attack

Q: In general, I eat a well-balanced diet and consider myself to be healthy. Should I be taking a daily omega-3 supplement? A: Recent studies do suggest that some people can reduce their risk of heart attack and heart-related death by taking a marine omega-3 fatty acid supplement. However, the study results do not provide […]
Sources of Vitamin E (and How to Make Sure Your Body Can Use It)

Vitamin E is an antioxidant essential for the nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive, musculoskeletal and other systems to work properly. It may help prevent diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cognitive decline. However, nearly 90% of American adults don’t get enough vitamin E to meet recommended daily requirements. Vitamin E sources to boost your intake To […]
Spotlight on Supplements: St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort is a widely known, non-prescription dietary supplement with use dating back to ancient Greece Overview St. John’s wort (SJW) is the common name for a flowering shrub native to Europe, Hypercium perforatum, also known as Klamath weed or goat weed. The name originates from when its yellow flowers bloom in late June, […]
Does Your Child Really Need Supplements?

About a third of children and adolescents take dietary supplements. Parents should be cautious though, some physicians warn, because some supplements may cause adverse drug reactions or have cardiovascular effects, including heart arrhythmia. Although supplement usage has hovered around 30 percent in U.S. children ages 0 to 19, use of alternative medicines nearly doubled over […]
Whole foods generally a better source of vitamins than supplements

Mayo Clinic Q&A By Brent Bauer, M.D. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’ve read that the antioxidant vitamin E provides a lot of health benefits. Is taking a daily vitamin E supplement a good idea? Can it be harmful? ANSWER: The proposed benefits of vitamin E rest on its powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances believed to […]
Putting Vitamins to the Test

Recent studies dismiss vitamin supplements’ worthiness, but experts find the data bloated with generalities By Donna Shryer With an emphatic whack that left the global $23.4 billion supplement industry reeling, the December 2013 journal Annals of Internal Medicine issued an editorial declaring “Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements.” The editorial was in response […]