Health benefits of tea match those of coffee

Health benefits of tea match those of coffee

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts  Q: I keep hearing about the health benefits of drinking coffee. I am tea drinker and really enjoy it. But would it be better for my health if I switch? A: You’re correct. Over the last few years, there has been a flurry of studies showing the positive […]

Don’t fall for ‘teatoxing’

Brain food, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Environmental Nutrition Q: Are there any benefits to teatoxing? A: Of all nutrition misinformation, the idea that one can “detox” to lose weight and get healthy is among the most popular and potentially most harmful. Proponents claim that you can “flush your system” by drinking special concoctions. Teatoxing, a hybrid of “tea” and “detox,” adds […]

Evidence is brewing for tea’s heart benefits

Woman holding tea

Harvard Health Letters Black or green, hot or iced, tea is gaining in popularity. Many cities and shopping malls feature specialty tea shops, and bottled teas vie for space on store shelves. The Tea Association of the U.S.A. says the tea market has quadrupled over the past two decades. Tea’s purported health benefits — many […]

Tea: A cup of good health?

tea bags

Harvard Health Letters Tea, especially green tea, is often said to be good for your health. But if tea is good for you, how good? And why? It turns out that tea contains substances that have been linked to a lower risk for heart disease, cancer and other health problems. But if you just don’t […]