Change of Heart

heart transplant

Incredible new technologies keep the heart pumping On a multiple-choice quiz, a fair amount of people would be able to correctly select Christiaan Barnard as the first doctor to perform a human heart transplant in 1967. That milestone in cardiac surgery is now a commonplace procedure that no longer makes the headlines. But it doesn’t […]

Sleeping Safe and Sound

Woman sleeping in bed

Snoring can be a sign of life-threatening sleep apnea Loud, disruptive snoring is certainly no treat, as any afflicted spouse will attest. But snoring, especially when accompanied by occasional gasps for breath in the middle of the night and excessive daytime sleepiness, can be a sign of something significantly more serious. Obstructive sleep apnea—when a […]

Sneezing Season

Allergies may be here to stay, but they can be kept in control Following a pretty brutal winter and a slow-to-start summer, Chicago is finally enjoying some nice weather. Warmer temperatures provide an opportunity to get out of the gym and run or bike along Lake Michigan or perhaps a trail in one of Chicagoland’s […]