Teaching Hospitals

Chicago area hospitals take steps to increase patients’ overall health through health literacy Greg Banks had one month in which he walked less and ate more cookies than he intended. And he knew Zaundra Boyd would have a conversation with him at their monthly check in about doing better. “I slacked off, I have to […]
Health Literacy

Roughly half of American adults read below a sixth grade level. Yet, most health information — educational pamphlets, discharge instructions, medication details — is written at a 12th-grade level. This gap leaves room for misunderstandings and mistakes for patients, which can lead to poor health outcomes and increased medical costs. At the broader public level, […]
From the Frontlines

We asked nine area healthcare professionals to answer… What is the most important thing about healthcare that you wish more people were aware of? “That we care for them.” —Frances Terry, LPN, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center Patients need to recognize that public health is really, really important. We can’t only think about our own individual […]
Healthcare Guides

Health literacy nonprofits highlight crucial need for patient advocacy The U.S. healthcare system is daunting, and often people have to navigate it when they’re feeling their worst. Patients need to understand what their doctors tell them and to ask questions if they want more information. But they’re not always capable of doing this — and […]
Reason to Smile

Chicago-area dentist travels to rural Mexico to care for patients At a make-shift dental clinic in Mexico’s Southern Sierra Madre Mountains, adults and children sat in portable wooden and plastic chairs, their heads tilted back and mouths open wide. While an assistant shined a flashlight into patients’ mouths, James Orbon, DDS, worked primarily on extractions. […]
Denying Depression

Expanding mental health literacy in the Black community It’s an understatement to say that coming to grips with my mental health has been an uphill battle. For years, I trained myself to suppress my mental illness to cope with these unwanted feelings. Professional help never crossed my mind. Black people don’t go to therapy, I’d […]
Breaking Barriers

Interpreters and community health workers build healthcare connections A confused, non-English speaking patient arrived for chemotherapy at a local community hospital one afternoon. She wanted to know why she always felt worse after treatment. Perplexed, the woman’s care team called an on-staff interpreter to help both sides understand what was happening. The interpreter deduced that […]
Heading Home

Planning for hospital discharge Hospital discharge — the process when a patient heads home after a hospitalization or procedure — brings a sense of relief for some, a moment to celebrate for others, and a time fraught with problems and worry for many. No two discharge experiences are alike, due to so many moving parts, […]
Take Charge of Your Numbers

Your blood contains secrets about your overall health. It can indicate whether you’re at risk for heart disease, show that your kidneys aren’t functioning correctly, or reveal that you are developing diabetes. That’s why annual exams typically include a blood draw. In fact, blood work ranks among the most common diagnostic methods. Looking at lab […]
Records Request

How to access your medical records Your medical records are a gold mine of information about your health. They contain details about your doctor appointments, tests, medications, hospital visits, surgeries, and more. The question of who owns those records is a little hazy. Federal law hasn’t decided, and ownership laws vary by state. In Illinois, […]
A Simple Test for Fentanyl

Even in tiny amounts, the synthetic opioid fentanyl can be deadly. Dealers cut it into everything from heroin and cocaine to counterfeit versions of Xanax and Adderall, in attempts to stretch quantities and increase potency. In fact, four out of every 10 fentanyl-laced pills contain a potentially lethal dose, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement […]
New Health Laws

Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act – HB3739 This law upgrades Illinois’ outdated water infrastructure and protects human and environmental health. Illinois’ high percentage of lead service lines — an estimated 1 in 6 — contaminate drinking water. Lead, a heavy metal and neurotoxin, causes brain damage in children and heart disease and kidney […]
Chronic Migraines — Better with Botox?

Pounding, debilitating, chronic migraines may qualify for an unexpected treatment: Botox. Merle Diamond, MD, director of the Diamond Headache Clinic, has used Botox for more than 10 years to treat patients’ migraines. She considers the drug safe, easy, and affordable — decreasing the number of headaches people experience by more than half. Private insurance and Medicare […]
Creating Jobs, Smoothies, and Community

Misericordia, a care community in Chicago’s West Ridge neighborhood, opened the Hearts & Flour Bakery and Café in April 2022, hoping to foster independence for its residents through jobs. The cafe employs 12 of Misericordia’s 600 residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities who live within the 34-acre campus and 14 surrounding homes. In the spacious, […]
Virtual Reality Transforms Occupational Therapy

Imagine an occupational therapy session next to a beautiful lake or in an art studio. When Michael Swayne goes to therapy at OSF Rehabilitation in Peoria, he might catch virtual fish or create an imaginary masterpiece. With a virtual reality (VR) technology called REAL y-Series, launched in 2022, occupational therapist Anne Horowitz helps Swayne improve […]