SuperBetter Game Aims to Decrease Depression

SuperBetter Game Aims to Decrease Depression

One in 13 people globally suffers from anxiety, the World Health Organization reports. While some video games and apps can contribute to anxiety, one new game is designed to increase optimism, self-efficacy and social support.

After suffering from a severe concussion in 2009, game designer Jane McGonigal created a resilience-building game and watched her anxious and depressive thoughts morph into positive ones.

SuperBetter, available online and as a mobile app, includes picking a goal — such as learning to belly dance or losing weight — and choosing actions to get you there, aided by positive affirmation and scientific stats. Watching yourself succeed on screen is designed to push you through real-life challenges.

The Chicago-based app was shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in a University of Pennsylvania randomized controlled study and to reduce symptoms of concussion in an Ohio State University clinical study.

SuperBetter is available for free, so if gaming and self-improvement are your things, it might be an epic win.