Prostate cancer screening should be based on individual circumstances

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: At what age should I be screened for prostate cancer? I have read different things about the best time to first have it done. ANSWER: There are no hard and fast rules for when men should be screened for prostate cancer. This spring, however, the U.S. Preventive Services Task […]
Don’t ignore the subtle signs of ovarian cancer

It’s called “the whispering cancer,” and it often goes undetected until too late. “Ovarian cancer is a silent killer. It has few early warning signs and those can be non-specific, like bloating, indigestion, nausea or weight loss. A woman with these symptoms probably won’t think, ‘this could be ovarian cancer,’” said Jayanthi Lea, M.D., a […]
Colorectal screening can save lives

Source: Parkland Hospital, Dallas Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death of the cancers that strike both men and women, but only 40 percent of the U.S. population is screened for the disease, even though early detection has proven to be an effective life-saver. The American Cancer Society estimates that about 93,000 new […]
Speaking Up About Prostate Cancer

Above photo: Ken Griffey Sr. Ken Griffey Sr. had reason to be worried about his prostate health. The former Cincinnati Reds baseball player, father of National Baseball Hall of Famer Ken Griffey Jr., lost four uncles to prostate cancer. His mother continually stressed to him the importance of regular prostate screenings due to his family’s […]
Research shows clear benefits to colon cancer screening no later than age 50

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Is a colonoscopy still recommended for everyone when they turn 50? Are there other options? I am 54 and have no health issues and no family history of colon cancer, so have not yet been screened. ANSWER: The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that everyone between the ages […]
What’s New in Colon Cancer Testing?

No one looks forward to a colonoscopy, or the bowel prep that goes with it. But colon screening — testing to look for cancer before symptoms start — helps saves lives. Screening can find colon cancer early when it’s small and easier to treat, or even prevent it altogether. Colonoscopy, however, is just one of […]