The Diet-Disease Link

A man in a white coat stethoscope around his neck, holds a broccoli crown and gives a thumbs up sign.

Diet-related diseases are the No. 1 cause of death in the US – yet many doctors receive little to no nutrition education in med school By Nathaniel Johnson, University of North Dakota and Madeline Comeau, University of North Dakota Above photo: Nearly 60% of respondents to one medical school survey said they received no nutritional […]

Mayo Clinic Q&A: Hypothyroidism and Dietary Challenges

Hypothyroidism and Diet, Chicago Health Magazine Online

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have been getting conflicting information what I should eat and drink. I love yogurt and ice cream, for instance, but one source said a calcium-rich diet was fine, whereas another said I should limit dairy. I’ve also read that I should avoid soy and iodine. […]

4 Ways Fiber Helps Protect Your Heart

Fiber, Chicago Health Magazine Online

As part of a healthy diet, fiber is a nutrient most associated with keeping the digestive tract regular and — thanks to the marketing on the oatmeal container — lowering cholesterol. But fiber’s role in the body goes way beyond regularity, and one of fiber’s most important roles stems from the influence that gut health […]

6 Smart Snacking Tips That Will Help You Stave Off ‘Hanger’

Smart Snacks, Chicago Health Magazine Online

As with anything, there is an art to smart snacking, meaning finding foods that will cure your hunger, leave you satisfied, and give you the motivation you need to tackle your to-do list. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with snacking,” says Amy Lee, MD, a board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, member of the National […]

A Review of the Raw Food Diet

Raw Food Diet, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Raw foodism has been circulating for more than a century but has seen surging popularity in recent times. This movement defines “raw food” as food that is not “cooked” to temperatures over 118 degrees F. Instead, the diet allows several “no-cook” alternative preparation methods, including juicing, fermenting, dehydrating, soaking, and sprouting. Not surprisingly, raw foodists […]

Make It Meatless!

Meatless, Chicago Health Magazine Online

If you’re motivated to make a healthy change this year, consider including meatless meals. There’s never been a better or more exciting time to give them a try. Not only will skipping meat — even just one meal or one day a week — benefit your health and the environment, making meatless meals that are […]

The Wide World of Mushrooms

Mushrooms, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Mushrooms have been consumed and used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks believed mushrooms provided strength for warriors in battle, and the Romans perceived them as “food of the gods.” For centuries, the Chinese culture has treasured mushrooms as a health food, labeling them as an “elixir of life.” Traditional Chinese […]

Should You Use a Hunger Scale?

Hunger Scale, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Do you have a tendency to graze all day rather than eat real meals, perhaps mindlessly? Does it seem like you go from perfectly fine to hangry — hungry and angry — in the blink of an eye? Do you get wrapped up in a project, a book, or several episodes of your favorite streaming […]

Cancer-Fighting Pantry

cancer preventing food

Stock these healthy staples in your kitchen Numerous studies show the link between unhealthy eating and cancer. About 18% of cancers and 16% of cancer deaths are due to factors such as poor diet, excess body weight, alcohol intake, and lack of  exercise, according to the American Cancer Society. But what should you be eating if […]

10 Great Habits That Can Help You Manage Diabetes

Diabetes Diet, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Managing diabetes doesn’t have to be complicated. While your doctor will help you put together a comprehensive plan to manage your condition, remembering these 10 tips can help you work toward better health every day. 1. Get moving. The American Diabetes Association recommends at least 150 minutes of activity a week, with no more than […]

How to Prevent Overeating When You’re Working from Home

Eating, Chicago Health Magazine Online

If your eating has been a bit erratic while working from home, here are five strategies to help create some balance and consistency. 1. Develop a set eating schedule. In addition to preventing mindless eating, settling into a consistent routine will help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, mental and physical energy, digestive health, and […]

The Deep Freeze: Is Low-Calorie Ice Cream Healthy?

Low-Calorie Ice Cream, Chicago Health Magazine Online

When it comes to frosty treats, ice cream reigns supreme and remains one of America’s favorite desserts, whether as a cool ending to an outdoor cookout or the perfect topping for a slice of apple pie. These days, you may have noticed that low-calorie options ranging in flavors from Birthday S’mores to Cookie Dough are […]

Eat to Glow: Skin Health Starts with Diet

Skin Health and Diet, Chicago Health Magazine Online

The old axiom “you are what you eat” holds true. What we eat can play a huge role in the health of various areas of our bodies, including the brain and heart. And that list includes the skin. A trip to the supermarket or farmers market offers up a bounty of vanity fare as certain […]

Opt for Low-Mercury Fish Choices

Mercury in Fish, Chicago Health Magazine Online

We know fish is important for health — high in protein, low in saturated fat, a good source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, and rich in vitamins, such as vitamins D and B2, and minerals, including iron, iodine, magnesium, and potassium. Research shows that eating fish once or twice a week may reduce risk of […]

9 Ways to Make Healthier Food Choices, Even When You’re Exhausted

Healthy Meal, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Eating well regularly can be a challenge — especially after an exhausting day. And while it may be harder to make smart choices when you’re tired, it’s not impossible. Here’s how to get started. 1. Stash grab-and-go snacks. Keeping nonperishable snacks in your desk and car (weather permitting) can curb the temptation to reach for […]

What Are Ultra-Processed Foods and Are They Bad for Our Health?

Ultra-processed foods, Chicago Health Magazine Online

You hear it all the time: the advice to “eat less processed food.” But what is processed food? For that matter, what is minimally processed food or ultra-processed food? And how does processed food affect our health? What are processed and ultra-processed foods? Unprocessed or minimally processed foods are whole foods in which the vitamins […]

What Parents Need to Know About a Vegan Diet

vegan, Chicago Health Magazine Online

A vegan diet is made up of only plant-based products — no meat, fish, dairy, or eggs (some people also exclude honey). While these diets are still relatively rare, they are becoming more common. Some families or teens choose them for health reasons, and it’s certainly true that plant-based diets are low in saturated fat […]

Briefs: Mushrooms with Benefits

Traditionally used in a side dish or in sauces, mushrooms are due for a promotion to main course. High in protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, mushrooms are in many ways a superfood, says Guy Furman, owner and founder of Windy City Mushroom. “Mushrooms are a great supplement, multivitamin-wise, [and come] from an actual food […]

7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Anxiety

anti-inflammatory, Chicago Health Magazine Online

One-third of Americans will experience prolonged anxiety at some point in their lives, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. While treatment once largely focused on medication and therapy, research suggests food and nutrients should play a role too. This is because inflammation is often a root cause or underlying contributor to anxiety. Chronic […]

Is It Time to Stop Skimming over Full-Fat Dairy?

Full-Fat Dairy, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Americans consume about 150 pounds of milk and eat nearly 40 pounds of cheese and 20 pounds of ice cream per person per year, according to data from the Department of Agriculture. Yogurt and butter intakes are lower, but growing. But should the dairy we’re consuming be low-fat or full-fat? That debate has become increasingly […]

Healthy Little Food Swaps that Taste so Good

Food swaps, Chicago Health Magazine Online

We could probably all stand to eat a little more healthfully, but traditional nutrition swaps are kind of a bummer (no, rice cakes are not an acceptable substitute for rice pudding, thank you very much). And, really, the key to sustainably cleaning up your diet is adding in more healthy foods that you actually enjoy […]

The Science Behind Snacking

Snacks, Chicago Health Magazine Online

The traditional three square meals a day eating pattern has given way to lots of noshing. In fact, 50% of all eating occasions are snacks. And it’s not just millennials and young adults who are eating between meals. Even 43% of baby boomers say they can’t get through a day without a snack. All this […]

Brain Food: Eat Smart, Stay Sharp

Brain food, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Brain food is very real, helping to shape your ability to remember simple things (well, allegedly simple things) like where you put your darn keys, as well as fighting serious memory-related disorders. Here are four food tips that may help boost your brain. Sip tea Whether green or black, this brew is rich in micronutrients […]

How Sweet (Potato) It Is!

sweet potato, Chicago Health Magazine Online

A sweet potato by any other name is still a rich source of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients, most notably, beta carotene. The folklore Sweet potato or yam? Chances are it’s a sweet potato. These tubers (Ipomoea batatas) are not related to the yam (Dioscoreae alata), a rough and starchy root vegetable. When the now familiar […]

Ask the Harvard Experts: Prevent Kidney Stones with Simple Dietary Changes

kidney stones, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Q: I recently passed a kidney stone. I never want to go through that pain again! What’s the best diet to avoid another kidney stone? A: First and foremost, be sure you drink plenty of fluids every day and avoid dehydration. Kidney stones form when certain minerals concentrate in the urine and form hard crystals. […]

Pear Nutrition: 5 Ways this Fruit Can Boost Your Health

Pears, Chicago Health Magazine Online

If you only think about pears during the holidays when a bunch of them arrive in the mail in a holiday gift basket, you’re missing out. Pears have been enjoyed for centuries for all of their juicy deliciousness. Considering that more than 3,000 varieties are grown worldwide, there’s a pear for every palate — from soft […]

Protein, You Complete Me

Complete Protein, Chicago Health Magazine Online

You don’t need be a bodybuilder to pay close attention to your protein intake. This macronutrient is required for the structure, function and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs, including muscle and bone. And these days, there’s been increased interest in how dietary protein affects things like satiety and weight loss. Increasingly, a lot […]

Eating to Prevent Cancer

Cancer Prevention Diet, Chicago Health Magazine Online

According to the American Cancer Society, the lifetime risk of cancer in the United States is 1 in 3. But many people may not realize that more than half of all cancer deaths could be prevented by making healthier food choices, maintaining a healthy weight and keeping active. What can you do to help prevent […]

Hack Your Metabolism by Timing Your Meals

Metabolism, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Around 5 p.m., when the day begins to wind down, your body does the opposite — cranking up to be at its calorie-burning peak, according to a recent study. “We discovered that you naturally burn about 10% more calories in the late afternoon than you do later at night,” says Kirsi-Marja Zitting, PhD, an associate […]

Acne: What You Need to Know

Acne, Chicago Health Magazine Online

When the teenage years arrive, they often come with those annoying, distinctive pimples on the face, and often on the chest and back too. These little skin imperfections tend to go away as we get older, but for some of us, the painful, red and sometimes yellow “zits” may last a lot longer into adulthood. […]

Fertility and Diet: Is There a Connection?

Fertility and diet: neck to knee shot of pregnant woman standing outside in black dress and brown coat on sunny fall day

Harvard Health Blog Here are some headlines on fertility and diet that caught our attention: The ultimate fertility diet: We reveal what to eat and what to avoid Here’s what to eat if you’re trying to get pregnant Trying to get pregnant? Foods to eat and avoid to boost fertility Wow! Who knew that your […]

Can Intermittent Fasting Extend Life?

Intermittent fasting: image of wood table with fork and knife but no plate or food.

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I am considering intermittent fasting. While I definitely need to shed a few pounds, I am also intrigued by the possibility of it extending life. What are your thoughts? A: Intermittent fasting involves alternating intervals of extreme calorie reduction with periods of normal eating. Proponents suggest it […]

Shining a Light on Nightshade Vegetables

Nightshade Vegetables | Chicago Health Online

Just the name “nightshade,” gives this category of vegetables a shady mystique. And their reputation of possibly contributing to inflammatory conditions like arthritis only adds to that mysterious air. But edible nightshades — such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers and chili peppers — are safe to eat. And these vegetables can be an important […]

The best diet for weight loss

What's the best diet for weight loss? Image shows two pieces of bread on a plate smeared with hummus and topped with peppers and radishes; fruit on either side of bread on the plate

Losing weight and getting healthier is a common goal among Americans; we spend $60 billion dollars a year on weight loss books, gym memberships, apps, programs and special diet foods. Yet, collectively we are getting heavier, which leads to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The […]

End the yo-yo diet cycle

A yo-yo diet is not effective for sustainable weight loss. Image shoes scale with tape measurer and apple on top of it.

Last spring you reached your goal weight and celebrated by hitting the beach in a bikini. Then your job got stressful, you didn’t find time to work out and your healthy eating spiraled out of control. Now you realize there’s no way you’re going to hit your target weight before your friend’s wedding next month […]

Diet not working? Maybe it’s not your type

Diet not working?

Harvard Health Blog Have you heard of the blood type diet? I thought it had been debunked long ago but patients keep asking about it, so I figured I should learn more. What’s the blood type diet? In 1996 Peter D’Adamo, a naturopathic physician, published a book in which he described how people could be […]

Weekend-proof your diet

Group of friends sitting around a table outside drinking wine, eating a healthy diet, and laughing.

Finally, the weekend. After watching what you eat all week, it’s natural to want to indulge a little. But once you loosen the reins, it’s easy to lose control. To keep that from happening, try these stay-strong strategies. Friday: Happy hour You’re in the mood to unwind, but the more you drink, the more you […]

Gut Relief

Low-FODMAP diet may help those with stomach ills Let’s face it, when your gut is not happy, neither are you. Many people struggle daily with abdominal pain, gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea—all hallmarks of digestive sensitivities or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The causes of distress can be hard to determine, but recent research points to […]

Cultures for Health: The Benefits of Fermented Foods

For centuries, fermented foods have played a large role in many cultures. Ancient Greeks thrived on yogurt, ancient Chinese sipped on kombucha, Eastern Europeans craft sauerkraut, Koreans make kimchi and Middle Easterners whip up labneh or yogurt cheese. Fermented foods not only last longer but also typically have robust flavors and offer nutritional benefits from […]

You Are What You Eat

slim stomach

With so many diets out there promising weight loss, longevity and a youthful glow, what is the right way to eat? Between all the regimens, like the Atkins, South Beach, Paleo or Mediterranean diets, the decisions are dizzying. The reality is that everyone has different nutritional needs based on gender, physical activity level and age. […]

Five reasons to love dark, leafy greens

fresh organic kale

Dark, leafy greens — like kale, spinach and collards — are packed with fiber and vitamins A, C and K, and are also delicious raw, in a stir-fry, sauteed or added to dishes like casseroles, omelets or soups. You may already know that these greens are vitamin and nutrient powerhouses, but they also provide some […]

Easy ways to boost metabolism

Woman biking and man running alongside

So you’re trying to lose weight. Join the club! Wouldn’t it be great if you could just turn a knob and rev up your metabolism — your calorie burn — just like that? Well, we all hear about diet and exercise strategies that supposedly do just that. But do they work? Yes — and no. […]

A splash of vinegar offers surprising health benefits

Various types of Vinegar. Vinegar’s not a magic elixir — but it may be able to help your waistline, cholesterol and more! Research suggests that a splash of vinegar may give your weight-loss efforts a small boost, as people who added raspberry vinegar or apple-cider vinegar to their diets daily for at least four weeks slimmed down more […]

Don’t fall for ‘teatoxing’

Brain food, Chicago Health Magazine Online

Environmental Nutrition Q: Are there any benefits to teatoxing? A: Of all nutrition misinformation, the idea that one can “detox” to lose weight and get healthy is among the most popular and potentially most harmful. Proponents claim that you can “flush your system” by drinking special concoctions. Teatoxing, a hybrid of “tea” and “detox,” adds […]

Putting nitrates into perspective

Cooked bacon slices

By Densie Webb, Ph.D., R.D., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Nitrates in processed meats such as bacon, ham, deli meats, sausages and beef jerky have been scrutinized and vilified since the 1970s. Nitrates (in the form of sodium nitrate) are added to most processed meats to “cure” or preserve them, giving them their characteristic color and taste, […]

Are we eating ourselves to death?

Overweight man in tight shirt

By Steve Porter, M.D. Americans spend billions of dollars every year on health and fitness. Chasing a rainbow for the perfect body and perfect health drives us to buy fitness equipment that quickly collects dust in the attic, garage or storage facility. The chase has us buying millions of dollars of vitamins and supplements […]

The Western diet affects immunity

hamburger and french fries

By Sharon Palmer, R.D.N., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter If you need one more reason to avoid the Western diet — our nation’s typical highly processed eating style — here it is: It may compromise your gut microbiota and immune function. A recent National Institutes of Health review of the science on this topic reveals that there […]

5 tips for conquering food cravings

Assorted doughnuts

By Rachael Moeller Gorman People who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction have a lot in common with people who chronically crave food: they are highly conditioned to abuse their substance of choice, says Nora Volkow, M.D., director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). If thinking about food rules your life, seek help […]