Award Winning Health Journalism

Irregular Periods and Infertility Not Necessarily Linked

Irregular periods and infertility – black and white image of woman sitting on bench in white dress with head down looking worried.

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’m 34, and my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for more than a year with no luck. My periods have always been irregular. Sometimes I go three or four months without one. That’s been nerve-wracking as we try to figure out if we’re pregnant, but […]

6 Things to Know Before Starting Infertility Treatments

It’s a surprising statistic: One in every eight couples has trouble getting pregnant. With National Infertility Awareness Week approaching (April 23-29), it’s important to educate yourself so you can be prepared when facing fertility struggles or best support those who are going through infertility treatment. Many couples who’ve struggled to get pregnant turn to infertility […]

Mary Wood Molo, MD

Dr. Mary Wood Molo

At the Center for Reproductive Care, our mission is to provide you the best opportunity to create the family you dreamed of. Each patient is different and we do our best – using advanced science – to understand the unique circumstances of each patient and develop an individualized treatment plan suited to a patient’s needs.

Diagnostic approaches to female infertility

Fertilizing an egg

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: What kind of tests will help me find out why I am having trouble getting pregnant? A: Infertility affects about 15% of couples attempting pregnancy. The cause is found in the male about 20% of the time and in the female about 40% of the time. Factors […]

Some common causes of infertility can be treated

Man and woman meeting with fertility doctor

Source: University of Alabama at Birmingham Medicine There are several complex processes that must occur in order for you to become pregnant and carry a baby to term. Disruption of any of these processes can lead to infertility. The physicians in UAB’s infertility program are specially-equipped to diagnose the cause of infertility and begin treatment […]

What Doctors Know: The leading cause of female infertility

Waiting for pregnancy test results

By Bonnie Ward, UC San Diego Health As women, we’re used to hearing jokes about our fluctuating hormones causing problems. In fact, the expression “feeling hormonal” is commonly used (often in a tongue-in-cheek manner) to describe a woman in a particularly irritated mood. While most of us take such ribbing in stride, the truth is […]

10 Things Patients Want You to Know about Female Infertility

By Chicago Health With 7.4 million women experiencing infertility—approximately 286,860 in Illinois—infertility is a national issue that affects one in eight couples, regardless of age or race. For those who long for a child, an infertility diagnosis is devastating, and going through fertility treatment can prove a challenge physically, emotionally and financially. “We’ve come a […]

Prenatal Dangers

Prenatal Dangers

There are a lot of things that can go wrong during pregnancy, but doctors help reduce the risk by doing a lot of things right By Nancy Maes When a woman learns that she is pregnant, happy visions of decorating the nursery and choosing pint-sized clothes can soon be overshadowed by fears of complications for […]

Diagnosed with Infertility: Questions To Ask Your Doctor

Dr. Mary Wood Molo, a physician at Women’s Health Consultants and director of the IVF program at Rush University Medical Center, recommends that patients undergoing infertility treatment ask their doctors the following questions: What is your background? Inquire about relevant training, board certification and experience. How much and what kinds of diagnostic testing are performed […]

The Cost of Delaying Childbirth

The Cost of Delaying Childbirth

Celebs can afford to do it, can you? So many stories abound about celebrities in their late 30s or 40s giving birth to healthy babies, that delaying childbirth seems like a normal, natural experience. Yet women who wait until their mid-30s or later to have a baby face certain risks. “The first important hurdle they […]

The Science of Birth

Fertilizing an egg

Infertility is not an absolute like it once was, but more research is needed When a couple of child-bearing age has not been able to get pregnant after having frequent unprotected sex for at least a year—or at least six months for women 35 and older—health professionals define this as infertility. Couples who are infertile define […]

Improve Your Chances of Childbirth

Waiting for pregnancy test results

Dr. Jennifer Hirshfeld-Cytron, director of the fertility preservation program at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System, points out that there are natural lifestyle ways for couples to boost their fertility. Smokers should quit their habit, and alcohol should be kept to a minimum. Men and women should maintain a healthy weight. “Obesity […]

Critical Questions: Infertility

New techniques have been developed to increase the chances of having a healthy baby. Dr. Ilan Tur-Kaspa, founder and director of the Institute for Human Reproduction (IHR), points out that when couples undergo in vitro fertilization, a procedure called preimplantation genetic diagnosis PGD can test the embryo for genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, […]

Inside Infertility

Inside Infertility

Every year, nearly seven million couples deal with the heartbreak of infertility. Rather than enduring it alone, most seek the counsel of a fertility specialist. Calling on physicians with high levels of experience and expertise and an array of available treatments, many women who previously thought becoming pregnant was impossible have been able to bear […]