Busting Common Coronavirus Myths
Whether you turn on the TV, log on to social media or open a newspaper, it’s impossible to escape news about COVID-19. Yet with so much information available from so many sources, it can be hard to determine what’s accurate and what’s not. Keep in mind: The new coronavirus was only detected for the first […]
Myth vs Fact
Mosquitoes and ticks are most active during spring and summer, bringing with them not just a propensity for bites, but also the possibility of serious illness. We checked in with two local concierge physicians for help separating fact from fiction when it comes to ticks, mosquitoes and the major diseases they carry. MYTH or FACT? […]
Myth or Fact?
We asked leading Chicago doctors to weigh in on these common health conceptions Myth or Fact? Don’t go outside without wearing sunglasses. Fact. For good eye health, it’s important to wear sunglasses. “They should be worn all year long, even on cloudy days,” says Lisa Rosenberg, MD, an ophthalmologist at University Eye Specialists. “Ultraviolet light […]
Is watermelon healthy? Plus more summer myths explained
Some persistent food and health myths just don’t seem to go away. To really be healthy this summer, stick to common sense and don’t get duped by these five summer food myths. Myth No. 1: Garlic is a natural mosquito repellent. The truth: Garlic wards off vampires, but it won’t keep mosquitoes at bay. Researchers […]
The Kid’s Doctor: Remember that fever is your child’s friend
By Sue Hubbard, M.D., www.kidsdr.com Every year, during the fall and winter “sick season,” I see 20-30 patients a day with a fever, and every parent anguishes over why this has happened. Fever is one of the most common symptoms among children. Younger children run fevers quite frequently when they’re sick. As I’ve discussed before, […]