Nutrition Misinformation

Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation − a medical education specialist explains how to tell valid health information from pseudoscience Above photo: If a health claim about a dietary intervention sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Mizina/iStock via Getty Images Plus The Covid-19 pandemic illuminated a vast landscape of misinformation about many […]
Food Mood

The connection between what you eat and how you feel There’s no doubt that food influences how we feel, but how we feel also influences our food choices. “Beyond biological and environmental influences, our emotions, mental wellbeing, and psychological states significantly shape our relationship with food,” says Sylvia Klinger, a dietitian nutritionist, founder of Hispanic […]
Cut the Sugar

No need to overload your cranberry sauce with sugar this holiday season − a food scientist explains how to cook with fewer added sweeteners Above photo: Fall means cranberry season − and sweet seasonal holiday dishes.AP Photo/Sergei Grits By Rosemary Trout, Drexel University The holidays are full of delicious and indulgent food and drinks. It’s […]
Soothing Sips

How cozying up with a warm cup of chai this winter can benefit your mental and physical health Fact checked by Shannon Sparks A warm cup of chai is soothing, but that’s not all. The black tea and spices used to prepare it offer many physical health benefits, too. Black tea itself can significantly […]
Go for Yogurt

Packed with probiotics and protein, yogurt is a stealth star in recipes Packed with protein, naturally low in sugar, and full of probiotic goodness, yogurt is one of those delicious yet super nutritious foods that has a multitude of benefits. Yogurt is tasty when served alongside fruit or granola, but it can also serve as a nutrition-packed stealth […]
The Best Healthy Canned Foods, According to a Dietitian

Whether you’re trying to eat healthy on a budget or consolidate trips to the grocery store, canned foods are pantry essentials. If you know what to look for, canned foods can make for nutritious additions to meals and snacks. As a bonus, canned foods are typically much cheaper and last longer than their fresh or […]
Love Those Lentils!

Lentils are a good source of fiber and many powerful plant compounds. The folklore Lentils are the oldest cultivated legume, dating as far back as 8,000 B.C. Not only have they have been biblically and historically referenced, they have sustained ancient cultures all over the globe and are now hugely popular in the U.S. High […]
The Better Side of Bitter Foods

As a flavor, bitter often gets a bad rap, however, bitter foods like arugula, frisee, rapini, and their respective bitter edges are showing up on menus and the vegetable aisle of supermarkets. We are starting to “get it” — bitter flavors are important to our sense of taste. They help balance sweet, salty, and sour […]
4 Ways Fiber Helps Protect Your Heart

As part of a healthy diet, fiber is a nutrient most associated with keeping the digestive tract regular and — thanks to the marketing on the oatmeal container — lowering cholesterol. But fiber’s role in the body goes way beyond regularity, and one of fiber’s most important roles stems from the influence that gut health […]
4 Ways Fiber Helps Protect Your Heart

As part of a healthy diet, fiber is a nutrient most associated with keeping the digestive tract regular and — thanks to the marketing on the oatmeal container — lowering cholesterol. But fiber’s role in the body goes way beyond regularity, and one of fiber’s most important roles stems from the influence that gut health […]
The Beef on Plant-Based Meat Alternatives

Just look at grocery store shelves, and you’ll see an abundance of plant-based meat alternatives. As more people cut back on animal products, companies are offering a greater variety of plant-based foods that mimic the taste of meat. The population of non-meat eaters is growing, with 63% of respondents in a recent U.S. consumer survey […]
Even Health Nuts Make These 5 Mistakes

No matter how much of a healthy food or exercise nut you think you may be, no one is perfect. If you can admit that, you’ll be on the right track to making positive changes in your daily routine. After you’ve figured out your nutrition or exercise holes, set small weekly goals to keep yourself […]
6 Smart Snacking Tips That Will Help You Stave Off ‘Hanger’

As with anything, there is an art to smart snacking, meaning finding foods that will cure your hunger, leave you satisfied, and give you the motivation you need to tackle your to-do list. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with snacking,” says Amy Lee, MD, a board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, member of the National […]
Digestive Woes? Try These 5 Easy Eating Habits for a Healthy Gut

A healthy gut is the foundation of overall health and wellness, regulating immune health, supporting mental well-being, and encouraging the body’s natural detoxification functions. And yet, many people struggle with digestive issues. For many gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, medical intervention is necessary, and if you experience chronic distress you should see your doctor immediately. But for […]
A Review of the Raw Food Diet

Raw foodism has been circulating for more than a century but has seen surging popularity in recent times. This movement defines “raw food” as food that is not “cooked” to temperatures over 118 degrees F. Instead, the diet allows several “no-cook” alternative preparation methods, including juicing, fermenting, dehydrating, soaking, and sprouting. Not surprisingly, raw foodists […]
6 Foods to Ditch for Less Stress — and What to Eat Instead

Stressing out? You’re not alone; in fact, stress affects all of us. Over the long term, it can increase inflammation in your body and mess with your mood, sleep, eating habits, and overall well-being. Fortunately, there are some small things you can do that might help. Getting outside, moving your body, taking a screen break, […]
10 Foods You Should Eat Every Week to Lose Weight

Plenty of foods can support your weight-loss efforts when included as part of a healthy diet. Eating these 10 foods regularly is a simple way to make the most of your meals. 1. Chia seeds Fiber slows digestion and keeps us feeling fuller longer. This is super important when we’re cutting back on calories, a […]
So Good, It’s Scary

Chock-full of nutrition, pumpkin is the basis for favorite fall treats Pumpkin doesn’t only make attractive jack-o’-lanterns; it’s a fruit (and yes, as a squash, it’s considered a fruit) that’s chock-full of nutrition. These orange giants offer a hefty dose of fiber — good for losing weight, keeping your bowel movements regular, and reducing your risk for diabetes. […]
Make It Meatless!

If you’re motivated to make a healthy change this year, consider including meatless meals. There’s never been a better or more exciting time to give them a try. Not only will skipping meat — even just one meal or one day a week — benefit your health and the environment, making meatless meals that are […]
The Wide World of Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been consumed and used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks believed mushrooms provided strength for warriors in battle, and the Romans perceived them as “food of the gods.” For centuries, the Chinese culture has treasured mushrooms as a health food, labeling them as an “elixir of life.” Traditional Chinese […]
A Modern Take on Olden Grains

Conventional wisdom says that it’s good to be young. After all, youth is all about vigor and hope. But when it comes to whole grains, being age-old is something to celebrate. Thanks to newly “discovered” ancient grains like quinoa, teff, and spelt, the diversity of whole grains available to us has never been greater. Dubbed […]
12 Foods with More Vitamin C than Oranges

If you chug a glass of orange juice every time you start sniffling, you may be onto something. Though studies show that consuming vitamin C can’t actually prevent colds, loading up on this nutrient may help slightly shorten the length of time you’re sick and reduce the severity of your symptoms. Thing is, a medium-size […]
5 Health Benefits of Almonds

Almonds are nutrient powerhouses. Whether consumed whole, chopped, sliced, or ground into almond flour or almond butter, this deliciously satisfying nut truly deserves its superfood status. Here are five research-backed almond benefits, and simple ways to incorporate them into meals, snacks, and treats. 1. Almonds are nutrient-rich. An ounce of almonds, which is about 1/4 […]
Are Sugar Substitutes Too Sweet to Be True?

About 40% of adults use low-calorie sweeteners, and most of those people do so at least once daily. While these sugar substitutes are most commonly consumed in beverages, they’re also eaten in foods and used in place of sugar to stir into coffee or sprinkle over cereal. The presence of such sweeteners in our foods […]
6 Health Reasons to Eat Eggs

Eggs are budget-friendly, easy to cook, and good for you too. However, you may have heard that you should eat them sparingly. Confused by all the conflicting information? Here’s what you need to know about eggs’ benefits. 1. Eggs are a complete protein. Eggs are more than a good source of protein (with 6 grams […]
10 Great Habits That Can Help You Manage Diabetes

Managing diabetes doesn’t have to be complicated. While your doctor will help you put together a comprehensive plan to manage your condition, remembering these 10 tips can help you work toward better health every day. 1. Get moving. The American Diabetes Association recommends at least 150 minutes of activity a week, with no more than […]
How to Prevent Overeating When You’re Working from Home

If your eating has been a bit erratic while working from home, here are five strategies to help create some balance and consistency. 1. Develop a set eating schedule. In addition to preventing mindless eating, settling into a consistent routine will help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, mental and physical energy, digestive health, and […]
Greens Powders May Provide a Nutritional Kick

Greens powders promise to help us reach the recommended five cups of vegetables and fruits each day. They also tout benefits like digestive support, energy enhancement, and disease prevention, which is quite appealing. But do these supplements really deliver? Though they can’t compare to whole foods, greens powders may offer up some potential benefits. What […]
Mayo Clinic Q&A: Getting Adequate Amount of Fiber Has Several Health Benefits

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My doctor is recommending a trial of a gluten-free diet to see if my digestive symptoms improve. Can I still get enough fiber without eating bread and bran flakes? ANSWER: It is possible to get enough fiber, even without eating foods that you may typically associate with good sources of fiber, such […]
Ashwagandha: A Stress-Relieving Herb

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a small evergreen shrub found in areas of India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. The plant has small, green flowers and fruit that turn orange-red when ripe. In Sanskrit, “ashwagandha” translates to “smell of the horse,” which is thought to be a result of its strong, “horse-like” odor, or […]
Eat to Glow: Skin Health Starts with Diet

The old axiom “you are what you eat” holds true. What we eat can play a huge role in the health of various areas of our bodies, including the brain and heart. And that list includes the skin. A trip to the supermarket or farmers market offers up a bounty of vanity fare as certain […]
7 Health Benefits of Tomatoes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]You might be surprised to learn that the tomato on your kitchen counter is a low-calorie package chock-full of nutrients. To reap the benefits, you can incorporate tomatoes into your diet in a number of ways, such as fresh, dried or as sauce, salsa, or paste. Try adding fresh tomatoes to omelets and salads, or […]
9 Ways to Make Healthier Food Choices, Even When You’re Exhausted

Eating well regularly can be a challenge — especially after an exhausting day. And while it may be harder to make smart choices when you’re tired, it’s not impossible. Here’s how to get started. 1. Stash grab-and-go snacks. Keeping nonperishable snacks in your desk and car (weather permitting) can curb the temptation to reach for […]
10 Everyday Superfoods

“Superfoods” are nutrition multitaskers — foods brimming with various disease-fighting nutrients and delivered in a delicious form (think: blueberries). But the best thing about them? Some of the best superfoods are easy to find and easy to eat, making healthy eating simple. Here are 10 to try. 1. Berries All berries are great sources of […]
What Are Ultra-Processed Foods and Are They Bad for Our Health?

You hear it all the time: the advice to “eat less processed food.” But what is processed food? For that matter, what is minimally processed food or ultra-processed food? And how does processed food affect our health? What are processed and ultra-processed foods? Unprocessed or minimally processed foods are whole foods in which the vitamins […]
7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Anxiety

One-third of Americans will experience prolonged anxiety at some point in their lives, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. While treatment once largely focused on medication and therapy, research suggests food and nutrients should play a role too. This is because inflammation is often a root cause or underlying contributor to anxiety. Chronic […]
Plants as Health Heroes

Add color and nutrients to your plate with whole veggies and fruits There’s no doubt that what you eat and drink on a regular basis affects your health. When it comes to keeping you healthy, plant foods shine as superheroes. Research shows that eating more plant foods — such as whole vegetables and fruits, whole grains, […]
Is It Time to Stop Skimming over Full-Fat Dairy?

Americans consume about 150 pounds of milk and eat nearly 40 pounds of cheese and 20 pounds of ice cream per person per year, according to data from the Department of Agriculture. Yogurt and butter intakes are lower, but growing. But should the dairy we’re consuming be low-fat or full-fat? That debate has become increasingly […]
COVID-19 Meat Shortage? Try Plant Proteins

By now, you’ve probably noticed less beef, pork and chicken at your local grocers due to COVID-19 outbreaks and closures of meat-processing plants. Major meatpacking plants have experienced temporary shutdowns due to more than 27,000 COVID-19 cases and 99 deaths, as of June 19, among meat-processing workers. As the pandemic progresses, intermittent meat shortages might […]
Healthy Eating for Older Adults

Eating right can help keep your body and mind healthy and extend your quality of life. But some older Americans may face barriers to getting enough nutrients or calories. Many ways aging can affect appetite Physiological changes that come with aging can result in reduced calorie needs, which can lead to decreased food intake and […]
Smart Lifestyle Choices to Support Your Immune System During Coronavirus Crisis

So much of the COVID-19 pandemic is beyond your control — all of our control — and yet it’s undoubtedly affecting you, your family and your community. However, you can feel more empowered by making changes to support your immune system and your overall health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends hygiene […]
Healthy Little Food Swaps that Taste so Good

We could probably all stand to eat a little more healthfully, but traditional nutrition swaps are kind of a bummer (no, rice cakes are not an acceptable substitute for rice pudding, thank you very much). And, really, the key to sustainably cleaning up your diet is adding in more healthy foods that you actually enjoy […]
The Science Behind Snacking

The traditional three square meals a day eating pattern has given way to lots of noshing. In fact, 50% of all eating occasions are snacks. And it’s not just millennials and young adults who are eating between meals. Even 43% of baby boomers say they can’t get through a day without a snack. All this […]
Matcha: The Trending Green Tea

Matcha is a finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea leaves. Like other types of green tea, it is derived from Camellia sinensis, a plant that is native to Asia but cultivated around the globe. Unlike traditional green tea, matcha tea plants are grown in the shade for about three weeks before […]
Brain Food: Eat Smart, Stay Sharp

Brain food is very real, helping to shape your ability to remember simple things (well, allegedly simple things) like where you put your darn keys, as well as fighting serious memory-related disorders. Here are four food tips that may help boost your brain. Sip tea Whether green or black, this brew is rich in micronutrients […]
4 Ways to Improve Your Cholesterol

Every cell in your body contains cholesterol — it’s an important building block for tissues that make up your organs — but if your levels are out of whack, it can spell all kinds of health trouble. Too much LDL cholesterol gloms up the walls of your blood vessels and can lead to heart disease. […]
Ask the Harvard Experts: Scouting Out Whole Grains in Food

Q: What makes whole grain foods healthier than other carbs? And how can you tell which products are really whole grain? A: Whole grains reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. But they do even more. People who eat a diet rich in whole grain foods live longer compared to people […]
Going Mediterranean to Prevent Heart Disease

There is a mountain of high-quality research supporting a Mediterranean-style diet as the best diet for our cardiovascular health. But what does this diet actually look like, why does it work and how can we adopt it into our real lives? What is a Mediterranean diet? The Mediterranean diet is not a fad. It is […]
Can a Common Food Additive Raise the Risk for Obesity and Diabetes?

Some researchers have been speculating for years that certain commonly used food additives may be contributing to the uptick in obesity and diabetes. Now, research from Harvard University shows that a commonly used food preservative, and one generally recognized as safe (GRAS), appears to contribute to both insulin resistance and high blood sugar. That has […]
6 Things You Can Do Right Now to Boost Your Health and Well-Being

In our culture, we expect results fast. And while it may not be possible to wake up tomorrow 10 pounds lighter or with an insatiable love of salads, there are small changes you can make that deliver immediate health payoffs — the kind that will encourage you to make another small change, and another and, […]