The Medicine Cabinet: What’s the Origin of the Five-Servings-per-Day Guideline?

Q: Where did the recommendation that we need five servings of fruits and vegetables come from? A: According to one source I found, the five-a-day slogan was conceived by a number of food companies and endorsed by the U.S. National Cancer Institute back in 1991. Over the next couple decades, public health agencies around the […]
What to Know About Metabolic Syndrome

Obesity, elevated blood sugar, high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol or triglyceride levels — any one of these conditions on its own is cause for concern. But a whopping 34% of U.S. adults have at least three of them (up from 25% two decades ago), a perfect storm of health problems, called metabolic syndrome, that doubles […]
Celebrate Celery!

Celery has hit celeb status in the veggie world. No longer the passed-over crudite, or mere Bloody Mary stirring stick, celery is a social media phenom, so wildly popular, it’s selling out in stores. Credit celery juice for the trending promises of everything from weight loss and mental clarity to disease cure. The folklore Historically, […]
Protein, You Complete Me

You don’t need be a bodybuilder to pay close attention to your protein intake. This macronutrient is required for the structure, function and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs, including muscle and bone. And these days, there’s been increased interest in how dietary protein affects things like satiety and weight loss. Increasingly, a lot […]
Hack Your Metabolism by Timing Your Meals

Around 5 p.m., when the day begins to wind down, your body does the opposite — cranking up to be at its calorie-burning peak, according to a recent study. “We discovered that you naturally burn about 10% more calories in the late afternoon than you do later at night,” says Kirsi-Marja Zitting, PhD, an associate […]
Smart Eating Habits to Boost Your Well-Being

If you find yourself feeling irritable or sluggish, your diet may need a tune-up. How you eat — and when — can have a huge impact on how you feel. To keep your energy levels up and your mood on an even keel, follow these savvy nutrition tips. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. […]
6 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Maybe you love the process of scooping seeds out of a pumpkin and roasting them. But these days it’s easy to find raw, sprouted and roasted pumpkin seeds year-round (the shelled seeds, which are green, are often called pepitas). So you don’t have to carve a pumpkin to enjoy their health benefits! A 1-ounce portion […]
The Puzzle of Weight Loss Plateaus

You’ve started a new plan to get to a healthier weight but at some point you find you’ve hit a plateau and just can’t seem to lose any more weight. Weight loss plateaus are very common but they can be so frustrating you may feel like giving up. Before you do that, here are some […]
Spotlight on Supplements: St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort is a widely known, non-prescription dietary supplement with use dating back to ancient Greece Overview St. John’s wort (SJW) is the common name for a flowering shrub native to Europe, Hypercium perforatum, also known as Klamath weed or goat weed. The name originates from when its yellow flowers bloom in late June, […]
Is Dairy-Free Ice Cream Actually Better for You?

If you follow a dairy-free lifestyle, you no longer need to suffer from fear of missing out when it comes to enjoying a scoop of ice cream. Whether you’re a part-time flexitarian, lactose intolerant or a strict vegan, grab your spoon because it’s now easy to find oodles of nondairy plant-based options that lack animal […]
Anti-Inflammatory Eating

Plant-based foods may keep inflammation at bay Inflammation is a natural part of life. It’s your body’s rescue response for fighting infections or healing injuries. Acute, short-term inflammation is normal and healthy; however, chronic or long-term inflammation can be detrimental to health. Chronic inflammation can cause diseases such as obesity, certain cancers, diabetes, heart disease, […]
The Benefits (and Drawbacks) of Intermittent Fasting

About two years ago, Michael Saraceno decided he wanted to lose weight. He was nearing 275 pounds and was planning to have knee surgery. To trim down before surgery, Saraceno decided to focus less on what he ate and to change when he ate instead. Saraceno, 26, of Westchester, has since lost about 80 pounds, […]
Burning Fat

Keto diet changes how food is turned into energy While it may seem like the newest weight-loss trend, the ketogenic (keto) diet has been around for more than 100 years. Allowing few carbohydrates, the keto diet changes the way the body turns food into energy. It induces the fat-burning state of ketosis, a metabolic process […]
The Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Just the thought of biting into a square of chocolate might make you smile. And, chances are, it really will enhance your mood. There’s scientific evidence to back the idea that chocolate is good for your mind. Researchers in Australia discovered that, in healthy people, cocoa polyphenols have a positive impact on mood. Some participants […]
Shining a Light on Nightshade Vegetables

Just the name “nightshade,” gives this category of vegetables a shady mystique. And their reputation of possibly contributing to inflammatory conditions like arthritis only adds to that mysterious air. But edible nightshades — such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers and chili peppers — are safe to eat. And these vegetables can be an important […]
Sugar Addiction

Limiting sweeteners (especially fructose) can reduce chronic disease Sugar fuels your body and brain. But when overconsumed, it can wreak havoc on your health. The average American consumes excessive amounts of added sugar — most of it from candy, baked goods and soft drinks, as well as salad dressings, condiments and sweetened dairy products. And the experts are saying […]
Building a Healthier Salad

Photo by Kyle Edwards Salads sound healthy. But get this: Some have more calories than a double cheeseburger from a fast food joint. With a little know-how, however, you can build a healthy yet delicious salad. Here are the basics. • Use a variety of lettuce, vegetables and fruits. The more variety, the better the nutrition, textures […]
Food and Fitness After 50: Never Too Late to Start

It seems that every week brings a new fad diet or a new missive telling you how to eat and how to exercise. Such information can be overwhelming, especially for those who have not been active for decades. But when implementing food and fitness strategies in your 50s, 60s and 70s, even small changes can […]
Food Safety Tips — From Start to Finish — For Thanksgiving Dinner

For most people, Thanksgiving dinner is the biggest and most busily prepared meal they cook all year. From menu planning to handling leftovers, there are many opportunities for slip-ups to contaminate food. Stop Foodborne Illness, a national, nonprofit public health organization dedicated to preventing illness and death from foodborne pathogens, is giving cooks a hand […]
Veg Out!

Plant-based diets are at the root of heart-healthy eating For a healthy heart, there’s no denying that plant foods are essential. Plants contain an arsenal of phytochemicals as well as dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, all of which benefit overall health. When it comes to eating for heart health, plants are at the center of the […]
Healthy Snacks Popping Up

When the Sweets & Snacks Expo rolls into McCormick Place every spring, it feels like Halloween in May. Imagine four acres of showrooms brimming with different types of chips, cookies, candy, popcorn, meat snacks and more — all available for sampling for those lucky enough to attend. This year, we explored the expo with a […]
What to Eat (and Not Eat) for Healthy Skin

Skin is the largest organ in your body, making up 10 percent of your body weight and spanning a total area of about 20 square feet. Taking good care of it is essential to your health. You may not realize it, but your skin helps regulate your body temperature, allows you to sense hot and […]
Fighting Obesity With Calorie Counts and Community Efforts

A federal regulation that would have given consumers a better idea of their calorie consumption at chain eateries has been delayed — again — by the Food and Drug Administration under pressure from restaurant trade groups. The rule, which had been set to go into effect this week, would have required restaurants with 20 or […]
Food as Medicine

How what you eat affects your mood “You are what you eat” may seem like a casual saying, but, in fact, the foods we choose to consume can affect how we feel. While finishing off a pint of ice cream when you’re depressed, fatigued or irritable may seem like a perfect way to improve your […]
Gut Relief

Low-FODMAP diet may help those with stomach ills Let’s face it, when your gut is not happy, neither are you. Many people struggle daily with abdominal pain, gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea—all hallmarks of digestive sensitivities or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The causes of distress can be hard to determine, but recent research points to […]
Not So Sweet: Getting smart about sugar

Most of us are guilty of indulging in sugary foods and beverages over the holiday season. But with the new year, now is the time to get on track with your sugar intake. Knowing where to spot sugar is the first step. “The first thing that everybody needs to figure out is where the sugar […]
Easy Tips for Anti-Inflammatory Eating

What do a new restaurant in River North, the anti-inflammatory diet and a Harvard-trained holistic health expert have to do with one another? True Food Kitchen, a restaurant that opened in Chicago last month, puts into place the nutritional philosophies of Andrew Weil, MD, an integrative medicine physician and wellness expert. Inflammation may be behind […]
Slow Eating May Help You Consume Less and Lose Weight

Slowing down can be a challenge in our fast-paced society, but when it comes to how you eat, there can be big benefits to taking your time. Eating slower and more mindfully allows you to savor the flavors of food, as well as to enjoy the moment free of distractions. It might even help you […]
Not Drinking Enough Water? Bloated Belly and Sweet Cravings Can Result

You know that you’re supposed to drink plenty of water every day, but do you know why? Not drinking enough water can have some startling consequences, including a bloated belly, constipation, even weight gain. Maintaining the right balance of water is essential to keep the body functioning properly—especially during warm weather when you so easily […]
Cultures for Health: The Benefits of Fermented Foods

For centuries, fermented foods have played a large role in many cultures. Ancient Greeks thrived on yogurt, ancient Chinese sipped on kombucha, Eastern Europeans craft sauerkraut, Koreans make kimchi and Middle Easterners whip up labneh or yogurt cheese. Fermented foods not only last longer but also typically have robust flavors and offer nutritional benefits from […]
The Scoop on the New Dietary Guidelines for Americans

For good health, the emphasis is on establishing healthy eating patterns rather than focusing on individual nutrients, according to the new 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs), the federal government’s evidence-based nutritional and dietary recommendations. The guidelines, released in early January, emphasize the fact that your food choices can affect your risk for chronic diseases […]
Fatty Fish for Heart Health

The Power of Protein

To maintain muscle, spread protein intake throughout the day Protein is a hot nutrient right now—and rightly so. Along with carbohydrates and fat, protein is one of the three big nutrients, aka macronutrients, that your body needs. Protein plays a powerful role in your health, particularly for your muscles. Preserving muscle strength and proper function […]
Don’t let their small size fool you: Seeds are nutritional giants

By Matthew Kadey, M.Sc., R.D., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Seeds are proof that Mother Nature works in remarkable ways. The bearers of life from the ground up, seeds contain all the makings for an entire plant. And in turn, these little powerhouses are packed with nutritional treasures. “As a group, seeds offer healthy doses of fiber, […]
EatingWell: Should you worry about arsenic in rice?

By Brierley Wright, M.S., R.D., The concern started in 2012 when Consumer Reports published its first report on arsenic in rice. Since then, it’s been making us think twice about too much risotto and sushi rolls. Arsenic is a natural element in water and soil. (It also comes from environmental contaminants.) And while many […]
EatingWell: Check out 5 foods for stress relief

By Holly Pevzner While we may feel better in the short-term after that hot-fudge brownie sundae, healthy foods are better choices when you’re feeling stressed out. Stress can take a toll on your body’s natural defenses, but eating these foods can offer relief: 1. Nuts. Stress depletes our B vitamin stores, and snacking on […]
Lingonberries, anyone? New Nordic Diet pairs seasonal fresh foods, exercise

By Carol Berg Sloan R.D.N., F.A.N.D., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter You may soon be adding herring, rutabaga and lingonberries to your shopping list, thanks to recent findings and the emerging popularity of the New Nordic Diet. This dietary pattern is based on the traditional, regional foods–fish, game, berries, whole grains, and root vegetables–of Scandinavian countries, which […]
Pain-Fighting Recipes

By Jeannette Hurt Fresh Tuna Burgers with Mango Salsa These zesty tuna burgers not only awaken your taste buds with their depth of flavor, but they can also pack a punch of pain-fighting powers. The omega-3 fatty acids of tuna have been shown to help reduce inflammation, as have the anti-inflammatory compounds of turmeric and […]
The Fat Truth

Fat is on the radar again. It’s gone from being banished in the ’90s in the name of heart health to making a comeback with a recent media frenzy touting the virtues of saturated fats like butter. The low-fat trend became popular largely due to a groundbreaking 1990 study, The Lifestyle Heart Trial, by cardiologist […]
Above & Beyond: Action for Healthy Kids Makes Schools Healthier Places

By Megy Karydes Children spend 1,000 hours a year and consume as many as half their calories at school, making classrooms ideal places to teach healthy lifelong habits, according to Action for Healthy Kids, a Chicago-based national organization. Noticing childhood obesity growing and realizing that schools were a great place to educate children on healthy […]
EatingWell: Check out the health benefits of juicing vs. smoothies

By Brierley Wright, M.S., R.D., Juicing and smoothies are all the rage right now. While both can boost your fruit and vegetable intake (something most Americans need to do) and are great for getting a variety of produce into your diet, one is the better choice. That’s the smoothie. Why? Juicing leaves behind a […]
The benefits of good nutrition are more than skin deep

By Carrie Dennett, M.P.H., R.D.N. Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Healthy skin reflects overall health, which means it can be influenced, for better or for worse, by the nutrients in your diet. A poor diet can contribute to inflammation, oxidative stress, and glycation (bonding of a protein to a sugar molecule), three factors that contribute to skin aging, […]
Flavanols in chocolate offer sweet health rewards

Harvard Health Letter Chocolate is more than just a tempting treat. Certain compounds in chocolate, called cocoa flavanols, have been shown to boost health. But that doesn’t mean you should start loading up on the sweets. “Consuming cocoa flavanols in chocolate is tricky. You need to understand the risks and benefits first,” says Dr. Miguel […]
Being underweight is risky business

By Caroline Kaufman, M.S., R.D.N., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter While headlines often sound the alarm on the dangers of being overweight, less attention is given to the two percent of U.S. adults who are underweight. Their ranks may be smaller, but the health risks that affect many people who are underweight–a body mass index (BMI) below […]
New concerns raised about diet soda

Harvard Health Letters Source: Harvard Health Letter For weight-conscious people who love the taste and bite of carbonation of soft drinks, the advent of sugar-free soda 60 years ago seemed a blessing: If there were no calories, you didn’t have to worry about weight gain–and the diseases that go along with obesity, like diabetes and […]
EatingWell: Focus on a ‘clean’ diet full of healthy, nutritious foods

By Michelle Dudash, R.D.N., Eating clean may seem like a new buzzy idea, but really it’s about going back to some sane, basic healthy-eating principles. If you’ve lived by these principles for years, think of this as a helpful reminder. Clean eating means filling your plate with real, whole foods, eating a variety of […]
EatingWell: Enjoy the health benefits of citrus

By Karen Ansel, M.S., R.D., and Lori Longbotham, Oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit aren’t just refreshing–they’re also super-nutritious. One medium orange packs more than 100 percent of the recommended daily dose for vitamin C (and some research suggests organic citrus packs up to 17 percent more vitamin C than conventional). Here are more healthy […]
Tea: A cup of good health?

Harvard Health Letters Tea, especially green tea, is often said to be good for your health. But if tea is good for you, how good? And why? It turns out that tea contains substances that have been linked to a lower risk for heart disease, cancer and other health problems. But if you just don’t […]
EatingWell: Which type of peanut butter is best?

Photo: PiccoloNamek, Wikimedia Commons By Lisa D’Agrosa, M.S., R.D., Picking healthy foods at the grocery store can be pretty confusing. There are thousands of different products to choose from. It can even be mind-bending to figure out which peanut butter is the best choice. Should you go with natural peanut butter or the reduced-fat […]
Experts share the latest diet strategies for heart health

After three-and-a-half days of presentations on nutrition research at the recent American Heart Association (AHA) conference, here’s EN’s take-away on today’s big questions on heart health: SATURATED AND TRANS FATS These are still targets. Despite questions raised by headlines, limiting saturated fat remains important for heart health, according to Robert Eckel, M.D., director of the […]