Simple strategies to relieve stress

Your misplaced wallet. A dead car battery. It’s easy to encounter situations that can make you feel stressed. But it’s just as easy to arm yourself with approaches that can help you relieve stress without getting your stomach twisted in knots or losing sleep. What can you do to feel better? Try these techniques to […]
De-stress your life

How stressed-out are we? Consider this: In some cities, “rage rooms,” sometimes known as anger rooms, allow customers who are fed up with work, politics or the stress of everyday life to smash old furniture, TVs, dishes and other breakable items. At the Anger Room in Dallas, prices range from $25 for five minutes of […]
What to eat and do to make holiday stress disappear

There’s a lot to love about the holidays — but there’s a lot to stress out about, too — especially when you spread yourself too thin. Stop stressing: There are some healthy foods, and solutions backed by science, that can help. Stressor: You’re missing the “happy” in Happy Holidays. How to beat it: Think about […]