Getting Over It: Why You Should Get a Colonoscopy

Facing the discomfort of a colonoscopy is a sure way to avoid the greater discomfort and danger of colon cancer  Colorectal cancer—or colon cancer, as it is more commonly referred to—is the third most common type of cancer in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the deadliest forms […]
How an Eye Disease Associated with Seniors Is Impacting More Young People

For seven years, I went to different optometrists and ophthalmologists with a nagging, intermittent complaint. Sometimes once a week, sometimes once a month, my vision became cloudy in one eye, and I felt as though I were peering through a foggy window. It made work difficult, and when driving at night, I’d see halos around headlights and […]
The Dangers of Meningitis Can Be Prevented

Kaitie Mayberry Hauser wasn’t overly concerned when she felt a migraine coming on while in college in 1996. She crawled into her bed, turned off the lights and planned to sleep it off. She woke up a few hours later, hardly able to get out of bed. With weak legs, she crawled her way to […]
Three Chicago Research Facilities Are Changing the World of Prosthetics

Lee Miller, PhD, in his lab at Northwestern University. Photo by James Foster Futuristic is the first word that comes to mind when learning about today’s leading-edge research on prosthetics. In Chicago, researchers and specialists are working on mind-boggling projects. Thanks to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, patients who lost an arm can now move […]
You Are What You Eat

With so many diets out there promising weight loss, longevity and a youthful glow, what is the right way to eat? Between all the regimens, like the Atkins, South Beach, Paleo or Mediterranean diets, the decisions are dizzying. The reality is that everyone has different nutritional needs based on gender, physical activity level and age. […]
Doctor’s Orders: Sleepless in Chicago

At the time of this writing, it’s 2 a.m. in the dead of winter. I’m feeling a little tired, but there are only so many hours in a day, right? In today’s fast-paced world, I have often heard the expression, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Many of us try to pack in our responsibilities and […]
The Happy Heart: Being Optimistic Can Help Your Heart Health

“It’s well recorded that depression, anxiety and stress [are] associated with poor health,” says Rosalba Hernandez, PhD, MSc, lead author of the study and social work professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Optimistic people had better cardiovascular health, blood sugar and total cholesterol levels than their counterparts. They also were more physically active, […]
Cartilage repair, restoration becoming more common

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently heard about cartilage being used in knee joints. Last summer I was diagnosed with osteopenia, degenerative arthritis, moderate lateral compartment narrowing and knee joint effusion in my right knee. I can no longer straighten it and have some swelling. I’ve had two injections, which helped with the pain for a […]
Discovering need to treat high blood pressure may be too late

Source: University of Alabama at Birmingham Untreated high blood pressure, or hypertension, wreaks havoc on the body, leading to heart disease and stroke. Research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham published in the journal Stroke shows that, although HBP medications are beneficial, it is as risky to wait for the condition to develop […]
There is relief for side effects of iron supplements

The Medicine Cabinet – Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I have anemia and need to take an iron supplement, but it’s making me very constipated. Any suggestions? A: Iron is hard on the digestive tract. Constipation is the most common side effect, but iron supplements can also cause nausea, indigestion, gas and bloating. The cause […]
The Kid’s Doctor: Get smart about antibiotics When your child is sick, do you know the best uses for antibiotics? Many parents do not, so here’s how to stay in the know. It really is the time of year when “everyone” is getting sick, and fortunately most of these illnesses are due to common viruses that circulate during the winter months. […]
Six white vegetables and fruits you should be eating Don’t judge a vegetable by its color alone. Vibrant fruits and vegetables have standout appeal, but recommendations to “eat the rainbow” can exclude one underappreciated category: white fruits and vegetables. These boast a variety of flavors and noteworthy nutrition accolades, according to research published in Advances in Nutrition. The researchers pointed out that many […]
How to find time to squeeze in a workout

Maybe you’ve always considered yourself “active” — you played sports in high school, and now you enjoy walking your dog, hiking and an occasional yoga session. But maybe you don’t have teammates or organized workouts to hold you accountable, and exercise has been replaced by other “must-dos” in your schedule. We get it: Life is […]
How you can best protect yourself against mosquito bites If you’re trying to avoid mosquito bites, there are four simple ways to do it: Cover up, use insect repellent, stay indoors and eliminate places where the bug can breed. Clothing to cover you A mosquito’s first choice for biting is bare, unprotected skin. So be sure to wear a hat, a long-sleeved shirt […]
Sleeping pills should be used cautiously, especially among older adults

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 79 years old. Lately I have had trouble sleeping, and I would like to try a sleeping pill. Are they safe for someone my age? ANSWER: An inability to sleep can be exhausting and frustrating. It saps your energy and goes hand in hand with problems such as depression, chronic […]
Environmental Nutrition: Shout-out to Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts can get a bad rap, especially from kids. But there’s more to these little veggies than meets the eye. The folklore Preceded by a less than delicious reputation, Brussels sprouts have been famously refused by children and labeled as smelling of sulphur. Even ancient folklore says the very first sprouts grew from bitter […]
Hemophilia: The Royal Disease Hemophilia is a rare bleeding disorder in which the blood doesn’t clot normally. It is often called the “Royal Disease” because Queen Victoria of England (1837-1901) was a carrier of the hemophilia gene and passed the disease on to several royal families. Victoria’s eighth child, Leopold, had hemophilia and suffered from frequent hemorrhages, which […]
Rapid and intense mood changes often a normal part of teens’ development

Mayo Clinic Q & A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 13-year-old daughter has become very moody, which I realize is normal for this age. But, I’m concerned she may be depressed. What is the difference between typical teen behavior and depression in teenagers? Are there certain things I should watch for that could be signs of […]
High-dose vitamin D may not lower risk of falls

Vitamin D supplementation has been proposed as a possible preventive strategy to improve lower-extremity function and reduce risk of falls among older adults. But taking higher doses does not improve function and also may increase the risk of falls, according to a study in the February 2016 issue of JAMA Internal Medicine. The recommended daily […]
Simple steps to help prevent colon cancer

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: An older cousin was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. Does that put me at higher risk? What’s the best ways for me to prevent it? A: If your cousin is the only family member that has had colon cancer, your risk is probably the same as someone […]
More research needed on pain relief from prolotherapy

Q: What can you tell me about prolotherapy? Have there been published studies on the treatment? A: Prolotherapy is a pain treatment that includes a series of injections into the region of pain. It is particularly popular as a treatment for back pain and osteoarthritis. Prolotherapy is based on the theory that pain may be […]
Multiple options to help men with ED, enlarged prostate

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I recently saw my doctor for urinary symptoms. He said that I have enlarged prostate. We decided to wait to start treatment. But now I wonder if I should take Cialis since the TV ads say it helps with symptoms from an enlarged prostate and erectile dysfunction. […]
Five reasons to love dark, leafy greens

Dark, leafy greens — like kale, spinach and collards — are packed with fiber and vitamins A, C and K, and are also delicious raw, in a stir-fry, sauteed or added to dishes like casseroles, omelets or soups. You may already know that these greens are vitamin and nutrient powerhouses, but they also provide some […]
Obesity rates continue to rise New research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis shows that an escalation in the number of those considered obese or overweight in the United States continues. Obesity and excess weight, and their negative impact on health, have become a significant focus for physicians and other health-care experts in recent years. But research […]
Don’t shrug off shingles

Harvard Health Blog If you had chickenpox as a kid, there is a good chance you may develop shingles later in life. “In fact, one in three is predicted to get shingles during their lifetime,” says Anne Louise Oaklander, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Nerve Unit at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. The same varicella-zoster virus […]
How to ease the transition when you move to assisted living

Moving from your own home to an assisted living facility can present some emotional and logistical challenges. But for people who can no longer take care of all their needs by themselves, assisted living is an excellent option. “Often the move is triggered by a crisis, such as a fall or the loss of a […]
Stretch daily to stay flexible

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I walk with my neighbor daily. She stretches after every walk and keeps telling me I should do the same. Is stretching really necessary? A: Your neighbor is right! You may think of stretching as something performed only by runners or gymnasts. But we all need to […]
Cardiac assessment may show if heart issues need to be addressed

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am a 49-year-old man with a strong family history of coronary artery disease. Although I used to compete in triathlons, I just don’t have that kind of stamina anymore, and I become short of breath pretty easily. Should this be cause for concern? I also don’t have much […]
A no-nonsense guide to clean eating

By Carrie Dennett, M.P.H., R.D.N., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Have you jumped on the clean eating trend? Another example of “everything old is new again,” the concept of clean eating has gained popularity over the last several years in books, blogs and magazines, but it also has roots in the counterculture/natural foods movement of the 1960s. […]
Bright ideas for sun protection

Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is not the only factor to consider when protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. “We all know SPF is important, but it extends beyond that,” said Ida Orengo, M.D., professor of dermatology and director of the Mohs/Dermatologic Surgery Unit at Baylor College of Medicine. “Diet, clothing and familiarity with […]
Protection from pertussis by the TdaP vaccine doesn’t last very long

Harvard Health Blog When my patients come in for their 11-year check-up, I give them the TdaP vaccine. I explain to them that a big part of the reason we give it is to protect them against pertussis, or whooping cough. I talk about outbreaks that are happening all the time, how it can be […]
Simple steps to relieve prostate symptoms

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I have a frequent urge to urinate and need to get up a three times per night to empty my bladder. According to my doctor, I have an enlarged prostate. Otherwise I am healthy. He suggested medication. Do I need to start treatment immediately? A: Doctors call […]
Easy ways to boost metabolism

So you’re trying to lose weight. Join the club! Wouldn’t it be great if you could just turn a knob and rev up your metabolism — your calorie burn — just like that? Well, we all hear about diet and exercise strategies that supposedly do just that. But do they work? Yes — and no. […]
Minimize risks of long-term acid blocker therapy

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I regularly take over-the-counter omeprazole for acid reflux and have been doing this for many years. Some days I need to double the dose. I would like to get off it. But when I stop the omeprazole, the heartburn comes right back. What can I do? A: […]
Ask the Harvard Experts:Â Prevent COPD flare-ups to improve quality of life

Q: My father’s doctor recently diagnosed him with a COPD exacerbation. What is this? How can it be prevented from happening again? A: Smokers and ex-smokers worry most about lung cancer. But another smoking-related disease causes more disability, more days in the hospital and almost as many deaths as lung cancer. The disease is COPD, […]
Finding cause of low blood pressure can help determine treatment

Mayo Clinic Q&A DEAR MAYO CLINIC: What is considered “low” for the diastolic number in a blood pressure reading? What would a low reading mean? If the systolic number is within normal range, what can be done to alter the diastolic number? ANSWER: A blood pressure reading has two numbers, given in millimeters of mercury. […]
New depression screening guidelines outline very helpful, achievable goals

Harvard Health Blog Every once in a while, a simple idea comes along that has the potential to bring enormous health benefits. Screening for depression is one of them. It is a low-cost, high-impact intervention that should be a regular part of primary care medicine. This idea is not new, but it has gotten another […]
The Kid’s Doctor: How to calm a fussy infant

So you are home from the hospital with your newborn baby and suddenly realize that the babies you see on TV never cry, but your newborn is not reading the same script. All babies have some fussy times, and this is especially true of a newborn in the first few months of life. While a […]
Fast relief for occasional heartburn

Q: I get heartburn occasionally. On average, I have about three episodes per month. But once the heartburn starts, it can sometimes last all day. What do you suggest? A: Heartburn is caused by stomach acid moving up out of the stomach into the lower part of the esophagus. Reducing the overall acidity protects the […]
The best strategies to halt that pesky eye twitch

There’s nothing worse than trying to focus during the day with a pesky eye twitch that won’t stop flickering. You know what we mean — that repetitive, involuntary spasm of your eyelid muscle that occurs every few seconds for a minute or two. An eye twitch can be unpredictable. It may last for several days […]
What to eat and do to make holiday stress disappear

There’s a lot to love about the holidays — but there’s a lot to stress out about, too — especially when you spread yourself too thin. Stop stressing: There are some healthy foods, and solutions backed by science, that can help. Stressor: You’re missing the “happy” in Happy Holidays. How to beat it: Think about […]
When is it time for knee replacement?

Q: I have osteoarthritis. My right knee is especially painful and stiff. How do I know when the time is right for knee replacement surgery? Answer: You are not alone. Millions of Americans face this very question. And more than 700,000 of them will have one or both knee joints replaced this year. The usual […]
Methods for taking a child’s temperature vary with age

Throughout the year, especially during flu season, the questions surrounding how to take a child’s temperature and how to treat a fever seem never ending. So let’s jump right in with a discussion on taking temperatures in children of all ages. There are many different thermometers out there, and many different methods for taking a […]
How much calcium do women really need?

Like many women, you may have memorized the minimum daily calcium requirement — 1,000 milligrams (mg) a day for women ages 50 and younger and 1,200 mg for women over 50 — and followed it faithfully in an effort to preserve your bones. You’ll probably be surprised to learn that many health authorities don’t agree […]
Simple ways to prevent kidney stone recurrence

The Medicine Cabinet: Ask the Harvard Experts Q: I recently had a kidney stone. The pain was awful. Fortunately I passed it. What can I do to prevent another one? A: It’s so important that you are thinking about avoiding another one. In about half of people who have had one, kidney stones strike again […]
Breastfeeding gets a lift from advocacy, education campaigns

The Kid’s Doctor An editorial concerning breastfeeding was published last year in The New York Times. It was written by Courtney Jung, who is a professor of political science at the University of Toronto, and it was quite interesting to me as she wrote that “the moral fervor surrounding breast-feeding (sic) continues unabated, with a […]
Bright light alters metabolism

Source: Northwestern University Exposure to bright light could affect your metabolism, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study. Northwestern scientists found bright light exposure increased insulin resistance compared to dim light exposure in both the morning and the evening. In the evening, bright light also caused higher peak glucose (blood sugar) levels. Insulin resistance is the […]
New gene shown to cause Parkinson’s disease

Source: Northwestern University Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered a new cause of Parkinson’s disease: mutations in a gene called TMEM230. This appears to be the third gene definitively linked to confirmed cases of the common movement disorder. Scientists provided evidence of TMEM230 mutations in patients with Parkinson’s disease from both North America and Asia. They […]
Eat Your Medicine

Photos by Kyle Edwards Filling a grocery cart with good foods can be as important to your overall health as filling a prescription. Many studies have shown that eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits offers many health benefits including reducing incidences of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiac disease. But beyond that, many foods […]
How to select the best vegetables this fall season

Four vegetables in season now — broccoli, chard, mushrooms and potatoes — are delicious in fall dishes. See what these four vegetables have to offer nutritionally, and how to pick the best at the market. Broccoli Studies at Johns Hopkins University have shown that compounds in broccoli, rich in antioxidants, may be beneficial in fighting […]