Award Winning Health Journalism

2022 award winning journalism, awards

2022 Chicago Health & Caregiving Magazine Awards

I am pleased to announce that Chicago Health, Caregiving magazine and eleven of its creative staff have won 11 prestigious journalistic awards and recognition for their work in 2022.

National awards from the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW) went to writers Kathleen Aharoni (“Dying to Leave the Earth Better”), Katie Scarlett Brandt (“Life Long Learners”), Melanie Kalmar (“Passive Neglect”), Susan Cosier (“Food as Medicine” and “Finding Refuge”), Erin Chan Ding (“Tough Transplants”), Nancy Maes (with Katie Brandt, “Family Trees”), and Ronit Rose and Katie Brandt (Editing Print and Online Publications).

In the Illinois Women’s Press Association’s 2022 Mate E. Palmer Contest, first place awards went to the above mentioned writers as well as to other team awardees: Jim Vondruska (photography), Sarah Lindenfeld Hall (Feature Story writing), Ronit Rose and Katie Scarlett Brandt (Editing) and Andrea Fowler (Graphic Design).

These awards follow recent honors from the Illinois Women’s Press Association (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020), the Chicago Headline Club (2017, 2020, 2021), MORE awards from the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons (2019, 2020, 2021) as well as a 2016 award from the American Society of Journalists and Authors which awarded writer Kate Silver for her story “Needles in the Cornfields” an early story about the rise of heroin deaths and the failure of state-funded treatment programs in Illinois. Kate’s story was one of only a handful recognized by ASJA alongside stories from writers from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Wired and others.

Since 2016, twenty-three (23) Chicago Health and Caregiving writers, designers and photographers have won awards for journalistic excellence in health and care reporting.