Even Health Nuts Make These 5 Mistakes

No matter how much of a healthy food or exercise nut you think you may be, no one is perfect. If you can admit that, you’ll be on the right track to making positive changes in your daily routine. After you’ve figured out your nutrition or exercise holes, set small weekly goals to keep yourself […]
10 Foods You Should Eat Every Week to Lose Weight

Plenty of foods can support your weight-loss efforts when included as part of a healthy diet. Eating these 10 foods regularly is a simple way to make the most of your meals. 1. Chia seeds Fiber slows digestion and keeps us feeling fuller longer. This is super important when we’re cutting back on calories, a […]
Are Carbs the Enemy? 6 Myths About Carbs

Everyone and their mom seem to have an opinion about carbohydrates. How much you should eat, when you should eat them, why you should never eat fruit after lunch — there is no shortage of advice regarding carbs and people ready to wage war on them. Does all this conflicting information leave you frozen in […]
How to Outsmart Your Appetite

You work out regularly and watch what you eat. So why do you have to lie down to button your pants? Research suggests that the things around you, from the temperature of your house to the style of your candy dish, may be setting you up to overindulge. It seems a bit unfair to have […]
Five diet rules for a healthy heart

Heart disease may be the leading cause of death for Americans, but here’s a heartening statistic: About half of heart-disease deaths in the U.S. are preventable. According to an Emory University study, the leading five controllable risk factors are obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking. Eighty percent of Americans have at least […]
Fertility and Diet: Is There a Connection?

Harvard Health Blog Here are some headlines on fertility and diet that caught our attention: The ultimate fertility diet: We reveal what to eat and what to avoid Here’s what to eat if you’re trying to get pregnant Trying to get pregnant? Foods to eat and avoid to boost fertility Wow! Who knew that your […]
Millet: No ‘Run-of-the-Mill’ Grain

Environmental Nutrition Newsletter What is millet? It may not be in most kitchens, but the popularity of this grain is gaining traction. The folklore First cultivated about 10,000 years ago in Asia and Africa, millet became a food staple around the world. The Bible refers to it in bread making, the Romans ate it as […]
Why (and How) to Cut Saturated Fats From Your Diet

The 411 on limiting saturated fats. Chances are, nothing good comes to mind when you hear those words. That’s because research has proven again and again that diets high in saturated fats increase LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in blood, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association began recommending in 1961 that we […]
Study Shows Marketing Health Food to Kids Works

The Kid’s Doctor The marketing of foods to children continues to be a hot topic. As any parent knows, by the time children are 3, 4 or 5 years old they can often point to the box of sugary cereal with their favorite cartoon character on it or identify a sign (McDonalds, Chick-Fil-A, Pizza Hut) […]
Environmental Nutrition: Here’s to Tomatoes!

Brilliant red tomatoes tug heavily at their vines, ripe and plump with the flavor and fragrance of summer. Tomatoes were first cultivated in Mexico by the Aztecs, who named ittomatl, which means “the swelling fruit.” The delicious tomato that’s so cherished today was shunned when it arrived in medieval Europe, where it was thought to […]
Food Synergy Boosts Nutrition

Pancakes and maple syrup, spaghetti and meatballs, chocolate and strawberries — these are the “Thelma and Louises” of the food world — items that just belong together. Beyond flavor, when certain foods are eaten together, their nutritional firepower is amplified. It’s called food synergy: a concept where the benefits of two or more foods eaten […]
Is Coffee Bad for You?

The once maligned beverage has emerged in recent years as a sort of health food, or rather drink. The public is taking notice as coffee consumption is on the rise. According to the National Coffee Association in 2017, 62 percent of Americans reported daily consumption, compared to 57 percent in 2016. Coffee health buzz This […]
3 Breakfast Boosters to Keep You Going All Day

Starting the day with breakfast gets the entire day off on the right foot — but many of us skip it on a regular basis, or eat foods that leave our stomachs grumbling by 10 a.m. These tips will help you combine foods to keep you going strong all day long. Breakfast booster: avocado Tame […]
The pros and cons of juicing for health

Juicing is often associated with “detoxing” or “cleansing,” whether for weight loss or wellness. According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, fruits and vegetables are associated with a reduced risk of many chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancers. However, few Americans meet the daily recommended fruit and vegetable intake. Is […]
Crunch on cruciferous vegetables

All veggies are good for you, but cruciferous vegetables are in a special category. This group of vegetables is rich in disease-preventing nutrients, including vitamins C, E and K, folate, minerals, and several carotenoids, including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are well-known examples of cruciferous vegetables, but did you know […]
A new take on yogurt

Yogurt has gone from a natural foods niche to a staple in the refrigerators of most Americans. A few years ago we were introduced to Greek yogurt, in which the watery whey is removed by straining, leaving a creamier, thicker yogurt with higher protein and lower sugar content. After that, Icelandic and Australian yogurts became […]
5 things you should know about bone broth

You might feel like a caveman or cavewoman the first time you try bone broth, but it’s worth giving this nutrient- and mineral-packed broth a try. Here’s what you need to know. Bone broth isn’t exactly stock. What separates a broth from a stock? Mainly, the amount of time it’s simmered. The longer the liquid […]
Ride the Whole Grain Train

When it comes to your dietary choices, it’s a good idea to be a purist and ride the whole-grain train. In recent years, whole grains of all stripes have been gaining recognition for their nutritional clout and ability to serve as a springboard for a wide range of satisfying meals. What’s a whole grain? By […]
Humble hummus is a good snack

Creamy, loaded with protein-rich beans and heart-healthy olive oil, what’s not to like about hummus? For those looking to swap out their chips and dip for something healthier, hummus is the perfect answer. It pairs well with raw veggies or whole grain bread for an ideal snack or sandwich accompaniment. Think hummus is too mild […]
Picking the healthiest fruits

Anyone who thinks healthy food can’t taste good clearly doesn’t understand the power of fruit. Sweet, juicy and delicious, grab-and-go fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber associated with an impressively long list of health benefits, including heart health, weight control, digestive health and lowered dementia and diabetes risk. If you’ve heard you […]
Crack into a pistachio today

There’s no denying the call of the pistachio. That smooth, beige shell, with the crunchy green prize tucked within is irresistible. The folklore A favorite American snack, pistachios have been enjoyed since the seventh century BCE and are one of only two nuts (the other is almonds) mentioned in the Bible. Native to the Middle […]
Is pasta healthy?

Think of Italy and you probably think of pasta. But it’s not just Italians who are passionate about this comfort food. Pasta has been crowned the world’s most popular dish, even more so than pizza. That would explain the almost 20 pounds of pasta we put on our plates each year. Pasta nutrition Pasta has […]
The best snacks for your body

Even if you eat healthy meals, you can’t always pack in all the vitamins, minerals, fats, protein and produce that your body needs every day. Which is why your snacks (almost a quarter of your daily calories, FYI) have to work harder and fill in any nutritional holes. You should aim to eat healthy snacks […]
The latest scoop on the health benefits of coffee

What a difference a few years can make. Not long ago, I was learning about the dangers of coffee — how it could raise your blood pressure, make your heart race, impair sleep, and maybe even cause cancer. Now, the World Health Organization (WHO) has taken coffee off the possible carcinogen list. And there’s increasing […]
Power up on foods packed with vitamin E

Vitamin E may be a star of the supplement aisle, but food is where this nutrient truly shines. After almost a century of research, there is still much to be discovered, but we do know the vitamin is more effective from food sources, further reiterating that a pill isn’t always the answer to a healthy […]
Is it healthy to replace a meal with a nutritional shake?

Shakes have often held a place of favor in the nutrition world; first there were protein shakes — the answer to post-workout replenishment. Then those fruit and veggie powerhouses, smoothies. Now new earthy-tasting concoctions are moving in on the beverage lists of fit women. The healthiest of these drinks are packed with ingredients derived from […]
Skip out on high-sodium foods

For almost half a century now, health organizations, health professionals, researchers and government agencies have recommended that we reduce our sodium intake to lower the risk of developing high blood pressure, which is a proven risk factor for heart disease and stroke. But the call for slashing sodium intake has not been taken to heart, […]
Diet not working? Maybe it’s not your type

Harvard Health Blog Have you heard of the blood type diet? I thought it had been debunked long ago but patients keep asking about it, so I figured I should learn more. What’s the blood type diet? In 1996 Peter D’Adamo, a naturopathic physician, published a book in which he described how people could be […]
Secrets to preparing healthy pasta

Love pasta but want to make it more nutritious? Make healthy pasta by lightening up linguine, spaghetti, penne and more with these smart strategies. 1. Go the whole (wheat) way. Unless you’re avoiding gluten, whole-wheat pasta is your best bet. “Whole-wheat pasta provides more healthy carbs, fiber, vitamins and minerals than standard pasta,” says Laura […]
The beet goes on

People have been eating beetroot for its health properties since the Middle Ages. In modern times, however, it’s the liquid version that’s making waves. Scientific studies on beetroot juice claim the elixir can lower blood pressure, increase blood flow, and improve exercise performance. As a result, the ruby red beverage has become a favorite among […]
3 healthy tips for dining out

Facing a gargantuan restaurant menu full of culinary delights can make any healthful eater buckle. But there’s hope. To help you make smart choices, we asked some leading chefs to share their professional secrets. Their suggestions prove that dining out doesn’t have to be a dilemma when your health is at stake. “If you eat […]
Small changes to upgrade your health

Here’s a secret: It’s easier to outsmart human nature than to overcome it. To do that, try these easy-to-adopt habits to help you live healthier every day. Pack your workout clothes Keep a grab-and-go set of workout clothes or walking gear nearby at all times. That makes it easy to be spontaneous about working out […]
Top 10 sources of sodium in food

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that Americans consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day — yet most of us get far more sodium in a day than that. And while you might assume that a lot of the extra salt we consume comes from having a too-liberal hand with the salt […]
Consider incorporating ground flaxseed into your diet

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have heard that adding flaxseed to my diet could improve my health, but I know nothing about it. What’s the best way to take it? ANSWER: Flaxseed is a nutritional powerhouse. Its health benefits come from the fact that it’s high in fiber and is a rich source of a plant-based […]
Weekend-proof your diet

Finally, the weekend. After watching what you eat all week, it’s natural to want to indulge a little. But once you loosen the reins, it’s easy to lose control. To keep that from happening, try these stay-strong strategies. Friday: Happy hour You’re in the mood to unwind, but the more you drink, the more you […]
Smart food choices, smart portions

Healthy eating can often seem complicated. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of foods available in grocery stores, or to wonder exactly what a portion size looks like. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed; these simple suggestions can help ensure you’re eating a nutritious, good-for-you meal every time you fill up your plate. […]
10 Tips to Fight Osteoporosis

Environmental Nutrition Because 70 percent of our bone destiny is due to heredity, you’re at greater risk for osteoporosis if you have a family history of the disease — but that doesn’t mean you can’t help shape the health of your bones. We actively build bone until our mid-20s, then we start to slowly lose […]
Building a better sandwich

Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Sandwiches … harmless, right? A couple of slices of bread filled with a bit of lean meat and maybe some veggies. Sure, if you make them at home, sandwiches can make a great light lunch or dinner entree. But picking up a deli-style sandwich at a restaurant is another story. Those sandwiches […]
New evidence supports breakfast skippers

Q: I grew up with the mantra “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But in recent years, I just have coffee as I rush out the door. Am I damaging my health by skipping breakfast? A: I must confess: I do the same thing. But both of us can share some comfort […]
Pickle your produce for taste, your health

Pickling is more popular than ever, and for good reason. This traditional food preservation method is a fun way to extend the harvest and promote good health. Pickling has a long history in many cuisines, and with time and attention you can create a safe product that’s healthier and more delicious than anything you can […]
Your guide to heart-healthy cooking oils

If you always reach for the same bottle of oil in the kitchen, it may be time to switch things up. Try any of these healthy oils, which are packed with good-for-you nutrients and offer a range of subtle flavors that can liven up salads, sides and stir-fries. Sesame Sesame oil has a rich sesame […]
How to eat all day to lose weight

A successful diet doesn’t mean starving yourself until you can’t stand it any longer, as that’s a surefire way to end up with a case of “the hangries” — when you’re so hungry that you get, well, angry. But what time you eat your meals may have just as much of an impact on your […]
Get cracking: Why you should eat more nuts

If you’re trying to eat a heart-friendly diet and avoid putting on weight, which snack makes more sense: a cup of pretzels or quarter-cup of mixed nuts? For about the same number of calories (between 160 and 170), the pretzels provide just over 1 gram of fat, while the peanuts have 14 grams of fat. […]
How to buy eggs: What do organic, cage-free and free-range labels mean?

Buying a simple carton of eggs, like a lot of things in life, has become more complicated. Do you want free-range? Cage-free? Brown? White? Speckled? Large, medium or small? Here’s how to understand what all those words on the carton mean so you can decide which matter. Organic Organic eggs are certified to have been […]
Five ‘bad’ foods you should be eating

Spend enough time with a friend who is a registered dietitian, and sooner or later, she’ll probably reach for the peanut-butter jar — the full-fat, natural kind. You might be shocked — after all, isn’t peanut butter high in fat? — but just because peanut butter is high in fat doesn’t meant it’s fattening. Remember […]
Four cancer myths busted

Environmental Nutrition About a third of America’s most common cancers can be prevented through healthy eating, regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. But the wide range of cancer myths can make it hard to figure out what those healthy eating choices involve. EN addresses top […]
Count ingredients, not calories

Shift your focus from the calories label to the ingredients label, and search for whole foods, including fish, legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits and healthy plant fats. The growing opinion among health researchers today is that just counting calories doesn’t ensure that your food choices support optimal health. After all, choosing foods merely on the […]
Six white vegetables and fruits you should be eating

EatingWell.com Don’t judge a vegetable by its color alone. Vibrant fruits and vegetables have standout appeal, but recommendations to “eat the rainbow” can exclude one underappreciated category: white fruits and vegetables. These boast a variety of flavors and noteworthy nutrition accolades, according to research published in Advances in Nutrition. The researchers pointed out that many […]
Environmental Nutrition: Shout-out to Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts can get a bad rap, especially from kids. But there’s more to these little veggies than meets the eye. The folklore Preceded by a less than delicious reputation, Brussels sprouts have been famously refused by children and labeled as smelling of sulphur. Even ancient folklore says the very first sprouts grew from bitter […]
A no-nonsense guide to clean eating

By Carrie Dennett, M.P.H., R.D.N., Environmental Nutrition Newsletter Have you jumped on the clean eating trend? Another example of “everything old is new again,” the concept of clean eating has gained popularity over the last several years in books, blogs and magazines, but it also has roots in the counterculture/natural foods movement of the 1960s. […]